0.12.0	2024-02-04
	* Added "qzoom" binary 

0.11.0  2024-02-01
	* Require YAML::PP 0.38 (will not work with 0.38.1+)
	* Removed old documentation

0.10.7	2020-02-01
	* get() method to retrieve artifact data dying if the key is not found
	* Code cleanup, POD updates
	* added test artifacts and improved tests coverage
	* Requires 5.14 and not 5.18 (tentative)

0.10.6	2020-01-29
  * API documentation on github (https://github.com/telatin/qiime2tools/wiki)
	* Skipping tests when 'unzip' is not found
	* test 11_provenance.t will check the "imported" attribute
	* tests with bad artifacts

0.10.5	2020-01-24
	* POD and tests updates
	* check on unzip binary presence thows differen errors (absence, invalid pattern/version)

0.10.3	2020-01-24
	* Upgraded ancestors

0.10.2	2020-01-23
	* Renamed module to Qiime2::Artifact

0.10.1	2020-01-23
	* Update dist.ini configuration

0.10.0	2020-01-23
	* Pre-release