0.4.8 2023-07-03
* Bugfix on lsjobs
0.4.7 2023-07-02
* `runjob` print JOBID to STDOUT, allowing easier chaining of jobs. Will warn if queue is not available.
* Added `has_squeue()` and `@queues = queues()` to NBI::Slurm
* Bugfixes
0.4.6 2023-06-30
* `lsjobs` updated with colored output, detailed view of single jobs, rearranged columns
0.4.5 2023-06-29
* Changes in `runjob` parameters
0.4.4 2023-06-28
* Bugfixes
0.4.3 2023-06-27
* Added extra binary `session` to start an interactive session (currently not bound to the module itself)
0.4.2 2023-06-25
* Bumped Perl requirement to 5.16, to keep using lvalue subs
0.4.1 2023-06-18
* BUGFIX in setting job options (tmpdir was not working)
* Fixed documentation
0.4.0 2023-06-12
* Added `--after INT` in `runjobs`
0.3.0 2023-06-10
* Drafted `waitjobs`
* Drafted `NBI::Queue` to check jobs in queue, saved as `NBI::QueuedJob` objects
0.2.0 2023-06-08
* Drafted `lsjobs`, `whojobs`
0.1.2 2023-06-07
* Added release tests
0.1.1 2023-06-07
* Releases a prototype binary script (runjob)
0.1.0 2023-06-06
* Initial release