This is the changelog for FASTX::Reader. Version prior to v 0.1 are preliminary (alpha) release, not to be used in production.
Some APIs *can change* with the release of the first stable release (v 1.0).
Version 0.61 has been available via BioConda

1.10.0 2023-01-13
  * `new()` FASTX::Reader method now supports a named parameter instantiation, e.g. `FASTX::Reader->new(-file => 'file.fastq')`
  * `new()` FASTX::Seq method now supports a named parameter instantiation, e.g. `FASTX::Seq->new(-seq => 'CACCA')`
  * Added `copy()` method to FASTX::Seq
  * Added quality methods to FASTX::Seq:
    * `qualities()` to get an array of scores, `trim_until(int)` and `trim_after(int)`
    * functions like `char2qual()` and `qual2char()` to convert between ASCII and integer scores
    * `$record->offset(new)` to change offset (default is 33)
  * Test updates, minor changes

1.9.0 2023-01-12
  * Added `slice(from, len)` method to FASTX::Seq (works as substr)
  * Added `string()` method to get the sequence as a string (FASTQ or FASTA according to the record), with `as_string()` as alias
  * Added `is_fasta()` and `is_fastq()` methods to FASTX::Seq
  * Added `as_fasta()` and `as_fastq()` aliases to FASTX::Seq (for syntax consistency)
1.8.1 2023-01-09
  * Updated tests
  * Update POD documentation

1.8.0 2023-01-08
  * **CRITICAL BUG FIX ** in `next()` method used in while loops

1.7.0 2022-12-12
  * FASTX::Seq has more stringent requirements, undef seq not allowed (but empty are fine)
1.6.1 2022-12-08
  * POD fixes
1.6.0 2022-12-02
  * FASTX::Reader now uses FASTX::Seq internally
  * Experimental FASTX::PE renamed FASTX::ReaderPaired. Remains **experimental** and not for use in production.

1.5.1 2022-12-01
  * Bug fixes, documentation and functionality update for ``
  * Minor changes

1.5.0 2022-06-24
  * FASTX::Seq with undef name is now rendered as FASTA/Q with name "sequence"
1.4.1 2022-06-22
  * Added PerlIO::encoding in prerequisites (in core since 5.8.0)

1.4.0 2022-06-19
  * Updated documentation
  * Added a len() method for FASTX::Seq

1.3.0 2021-11-04
  * Standalone FASTX::Seq class

1.2.1 2021-11-01
  * Fix changelog mismatching version
  * Minor fix in test "nonillumina.t"

1.2.0 2021-11-01
  * Introduction of "next()" method that returns a blessed object instead of a scalard, test n. 21
  * Minor code improvements (perlcritic)

1.1.0 2021-08-04
  * Support for Windows line endings (experimental)

1.0.5 2021-04-21
  * Improved test suite
  * Minor code cleanup

1.0.4 2021-04-19
  * Documentation updates

1.0.2 2021-03-25
  * Documentation updates
  * Improved tests for PE reader
  * ScriptHelper verbose() function now tolerant when passing multiple strings

1.0.1 2021-03-24
  * Migration of Continuous Integration from TravisCI to GitHub actions
  * META.yaml ships with the package (for GitHub Actions)

1.0.0 2021-03-20
  * BUG FIX: Multiple instances of the same object were conflicting when mixing filetypes (tests 40_*)
  * Semantic versioning
  * Improved test suite

0.94  2020-06-01
  * Accessory script updates
  * Requirements: File::Fetch

0.93  2020-05-29
  * Markdown updated

0.91  2020-05-06
  * Updated ScriptHelper (new function download[url, destdir])

0.90  2020-05-03
  * Updated dist.ini dependency

0.89  2020-05-02
  * added run() function in ScriptHelper
  * unit test for ScriptHelper

0.88  2020-04-13
  * getFileFormat() also supports gzipped files
  * FASTX::PE strips /1 /2 _1 _2 _R1 _R2 from interleaved read names
  * Preliminary release of FASTX::ScriptHelper
  * Bug fixes

0.87  2020-04-05
  * POD fixes
  * Minor updates
  * Fixed bug in auto reverse file finding [FASTX::PE]

0.85  2020-04-05
  * Alpha release of FASTX::PE, updated with improved tests and documentation

0.82  2020-04-03
  * Alpha release of FASTX::PE

0.80  2020-03-31
  * Added the `getIlluminaRead()` method that parses the read name to populate extra attributes.

0.70  2020-01-20
  * Added attribute 'loadseqs' in method new(), will load all sequence in %{ $self-{seqs} }. Values can be 'name' or 'seq' (that is the key of the resulting hash)

0.61    2019-10-10
  * When using 'which', standard error is redirected to /dev/null

0.60    2019-06-17
  * FIXED: Comment retainment: comments were truncated
  * File::Which only recommended (might be removed as requirement in the future)

0.50  2019-06-13
  * Added a control in new() that will stop parsing the file if it's binary (and not .gz)
  * Added a new control in getFastqRead() to report truncated FASTQ files
  * 'fqc': file without reads will print n/a instead of 0

0.40  2019-06-13
  * 'fqc': added '--verbose' feature, renamed tabular output switch to '-x/--screen' for consistency with Proch::N50
  * 'fqc': improved  handling of non existing files, improved documentation

0.32  2019-06-12
  * Ships a script to count FASTA/FASTQ sequences called 'fqc' (see)
  * Reader object new property 'compressed' (1 if reading .gz files, 0 otherwise)
  * POD documentation Updated

0.31  2019-06-12
  * POD documentation Updated

0.30  2019-06-11
  * Improved getFastqRead() error handling
  * Improved unit tests, in particular for getFastqRead() method
  * Added 'bad.fastq': malformed FASTQ file
  * Shipping demo script to see how getFastqRead() works
  * NOTE: This release focuses on getFastqRead(FASTQ), that is 12% faster than the generic getRead(FASTX)

0.20  2019-06-10
  * Added preliminary support to read .gz files

0.11  2019-06-03
  * Cleanup via dist.ini

0.10  2019-06-03
  * FIXED Comments parser was not working for FASTA files
  * Added unit tests for comments
  * Moved release tests to xt/release
  * Added '' sample script, counting sequences in FASTA/FASTQ files

0.09  2019-05-16
  * Removed test/ directory

0.08  2019-05-16
  * Dist::Zilla configuration updated
  * Renamed experimental files

0.07  2019-05-15
  * GitHub repository restructured to allow TravisCI tests

0.06  2019-05-15
  * BUG FIX author test moved to xt

0.05  2019-05-09
  * Improved test coverage
  * BUG FIX on getFileFormat()

0.02  2019-05-07
  * Reader parses STDIN
  * Updated documentation

0.01  2019-05-05
  * Initial release of a working parser