mRevision history for Perl extension WebService::GoogleHack.

0.05  2004-12/08
      * Updated documentation.

0.06 2005-01/02
     * Updated readme and install instructions.
     * added ranking measure to sets of related words.
     * 0.05 and previous modules had problem with perldoc, so made changes to that.

0.07 2005-02/19
     * Google-Hack now requires the use of the Brill-Tagger (Please refer to INSTALL file for more information on installing the Brill-Tagger).
     * Added a function to read in a file of text, and return a list of positive and negative words.
       FUNCTION NAME:  predictWordSentiment
     * Updated the Review Classification function to use the Brill-Tagger.
     * Updated README and INSTALL Instructions.

0.08 2005-03-13	      
     * Google-Hack now	 requires the use of the Brill-Tagger if you are using the sentiment classification functions(Please refer to INSTALL file for more information on installing the Brill-Tagger).

     * Updated the base  line algorithm function, wordClusterInPage to be soley based on frequency.

0.09 2005-03-13	      
     * Algorithm2 of Google-Hack is released in this version. This is a step better than the Algorithm1.
		  - Accepts more than 2 terms
		  - Has 3 relatedness scores
		  - Accepts unigrams and 2-word collocation as input
		  - Results also contain 2-word collocations
		  - A score cutoff is also included along with frequency cutoff
		  - A bigram cutoff is also included.

0.1 2005-04-4
    - Changed measureSemanticRelatedness1 from log(hits(w1)) + log(hits(w2)) -  log(hits(w1w2)) to log(hits(w1)) + log(hits(w2)) - 2 * log(hits(w1w2)).
    - Updated README and PERLDOC.

0.12 2005-04-07
    - Trying to figure out the missing functions links