Feel free to hack Xacobeo and to send patches. The application's code should be
documented well enough for anyone to jump in and to have fun.
The latest version of the code is available at:
Xacobeo is mainly written in Perl and has some bits of XS (C functions) in order
to improve it's performance. Ideally all hacking should be done in Perl and C
should be used as a last resort.
The application relies heavily on Lib::LibXML and indirectly on libxml2. All XML
operations are performed through these libraries.
The user interface is all written in Glade which means that hacking the GUI
should be straight forward as it's all done through a GUI. That's right the
application's GUI is done through another GUI.
Xacobeo is translated into other languages through GNU's standard gettext
mechanism (thanks to Locale::TextDomain). When adding code make sure that all
output is marked to be translated by using the proper i18n functions (__ and
friends). Take a look at perldoc lib/Xacobeo/I18n.pm.
Command line utilities
Xacobeo provides a built-in script: 'commands' that makes the testing of the
application easier. This script is used to build, test, run, translate and even
release Xacobeo.
To build the application simply do:
./commands build
To test your changes:
./commands test
To run the application without installing it:
./commands run
You can change the default input file through the parameter FILE:
./commands run FILE=tests/SVG.svg
To find memory leaks in newly added XS code do:
./commands leaks
To update the I18n .po files run:
./commands i18n
To check that all your new files will be uploaded to CPAN do:
./command distcheck
To clean your working folder:
./command clean
The script 'commands' provides more utilities, make sure to peek at the file.