2000-11-10 0.04 Fourth release
  Fixed behaviour of select() and checkbox_group() with default => 0

2000-08-30 0.03 Third release
  Fixed trim_params() under Apache::Request

2000-06-27 0.02 Second release
  Add select()

2000-06-21 0.01_01
  Combine checkbox_group() and radio_group()
  Add documentation

2000-06-15 0.01 First release!
  Add copyright notices

2000-06-09 0.00_03
  Add Todo
  Add _escape()
  Use _escape() to escape NAME and VALUE attribute values
  Use -escape() to escape labels if (escape => 1) is passed to *_group()

2000-06-08 0.00_02
  Allow CGI::State request delegate and null request delegate
  Add radio_group()

2000-06-70 0.00_01
  new, trim_params, text, password, textarea, checkbox, checkbox_group