0.94 2021-01-13
* Fix broken test in t/mldiv.t The rounding performed for values that are very
close to an integer was performed on the wrong matrix.
0.93 2021-01-12
* The test is_deeply() does string comparison, so avoid negative zeros in test
data and output from tests. Also round test output where the output may be
slightly off from an integer.
* Require Math::Trig version 1.06 so Math::Trig::Inf() is available.
* Update the SUPPORT section to reflect that CPAN RT will be closing down on
1st March 2021.
* Add support for negative integer powers in mpow().
0.92 2020-11-02
* Add a larged amount of new methods. Improve existing methods. Fix
overloading. This will close most of the remaining CPAN RT tickets.
0.91 2020-08-09
* Ensure a recent version of Math::Complex in the test files that use that
module. Math::Complex didn't support any way of cloning/copying
Math::Complex objects before version 1.57.
0.9 2020-08-07
* Fix typos in POD and add more documentation and examples.
* Extended new() to handle empty matrices and allow the matrix to be specified
as a single argument.
* Improve code so subclassing works better.
* Add many new tests to confirm existing and new behaviour.
* Misellaneous modernizations.
* This release closes CPAN RT ##104334 and #109353.
0.8 2013-09-30 09:21
* Add support for unary minus ([rt.cpan.org #88821] support for overload of
unary minus, Diab Jerius)
0.7 2013-05-18 08:15
* Replaced transpose functions
0.6 2013-05-17 10:24:40
* John M. Gamble added diagonal() and tridiagonal() methods
0.5 2002-06-02 15:47:40
* Bill Denney added pinvert function
0.3 2001-04-17 11:10:15
* Extensions from Brian Watson
0.2 1996-07-10 17:48:14 pfeifer
* Fixes from Mike Beachy <beachy@chem.columbia.edu>
0.1 1995-10-25 09:48:39 pfeifer
* Initial revision