Revision history for Perl extension Games::Cards::Poker:
- 1.4 H66ML4K8 Tue Jun 6 21:04:20:08 -0500 2017
* prepended new Pod tests and renumbered all others, added test
names to all tests
* started FindNuts() to hopefully compute what BenB's old was looking for
* fixed WorstHand() on As 2s from returning FullHouse
HTTPS://RT.CPAN.Org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=100391 (Thanks Iain!)
* removed all old PDat duplicate data structures && accessor
functions && renamed %pdat to %pd8a with matching :pd8a export tag
which also has holz,flpz,hndz
* removed all %pdat ways d8a (since all should be gener8d easily) &&
replaced lists with just qw() && fixed CountWays() && CalcOdds() to
gener8 nstd of index
* got rid of OrigHandScore except good category commentz
* audited all of old MANIFEST, yanked, fixed
t/*.t, && it seems like none of following old bin files are really
needed until maybe l8r after reviving CalcOdds (so I'm removing all
of the old bin/ from the next release):
bin/ - generate test runs of Texas Hold'Em poker hands and print out the results (probably just a precursor to ex/ ?)
bin/ - create MySQL databases and tables for storing Games::Cards::Poker exhaustive odds data
bin/ - try to query odds from a pre-generated MySQL database
bin/ - made suit-abstracted B64 hole pairs but could all be in qw()
bin/ - select odds from a MySQL server populated by and build HTML summary of results for all holes versus each number of opponents
bin/ - make 'h' . ShortHand(@hole) directories (not suit-abstracted B64 but just joined Ranks maybe 's'uited together)
bin/mkHoleDr.bat - a batch file generated to do the same as the above .pl file
bin/Makefile - make pokr.c into pokr executable binary
bin/pokr.c - C source file for generating *.ppx files?
bin/ - try to compile a root h.ppx file from all subdirectories
bin/h.ppx - example root hole Pip's Poker Xml aggregate odds file
bin/ - lookup odds within already explored .ppx directory structure
bin/ - attempt to provide a local interactive (Perl/Tk) interface to pokr odds
bin/index.cgi - provide a basic web-interface to picking game-state to query odds
* replaced Hold'Em and BlackJack synopsis examples with new ex/ .pl
* updated license to GPLv3
* s/Slow//g && further downplayed OrigHandScore
* s/(Hand|Score)(Score|Hand)/$2$1/g to be consistent with others
(e.g., CardB64 implying X-to-Y)
* s/(for)each/$1/g
* fixed DecCard(0) to return 'As' error reported by Dan C.
* restored code &&'s, reverted license
- 1.2.565CHh5 Sun Jun 5 12:17:43:05 2005
* added VerboseHandName() from code contributed by Roy Lyons
* fixed Shuffle() off-by-one results skewing error reported by Lee
- 1.2.4CCJ12M Sun Dec 12 19:01:02:22 2004
* added MySQL and XML and .c and Tk scripts to bin/
* fixed pod typo and updated License
- 1.2.46QD4ax Sat Jun 26 13:04:36:59 2004
* added Dec functions
- 1.2.4610lBw Tue Jun 1 00:47:11:58 2004
* removed since it's not worth including in pkg
* fixed some out-of-date POD and rearranged USAGE
- 1.2.45UGmiC Sun May 30 16:48:44:12 2004
* upped minor version number since CPAN doesn't recognize my PTVR
* split into t/*.t and added those + bin/pokr to MANIFEST
* added separate EXPORT_TAGS and added ADVANCED USAGE POD
* added RemoveCard(), WorstHand(), CountWays(), and CalcOdds()
* added %pdat as common structure for all my Poker Data and Counts
* added B64Hand and HandB64 functions
* added simple accessors to internal data
* added possible hole and flop data
* made CardName take either of just rank or suit
* made new b64 card conversion functions: CardB64() and B64Card()
* changed b64 maps to use letters
- 1.0.44P0KER Sun Apr 25 00:20:14:27 2004
* made CardName() to return 'Ace of Spades' or 'Two of Clubs' for
'As'or'A' or '2c'or'z' and NameCard() to do inverse
* made HandName() to return 'Royal Flush' or 'High Card' for
ScoreHand() or ShortHand() or @hand or \@hand and NameHand()
* rewrote SortCards() to accept any length ShortHand() params
* s/valu/rank/g s/scor/score/g s/bord/board/g
- 1.0.44LCEw8 Wed Apr 21 12:14:58:08 2004
* s/HoldEm//g; on advice from Joe since Best*() are useful for more
than just Hold'Em (like 7-card stud)
* fixed minor typos in POD
- 1.0.44KFNKP Tue Apr 20 15:23:20:25 2004
* wrote UseSlow() so that would still work without
Best() and in case anyone would rather have ScoreHand() call
SlowScoreHand() every time instead.
* since my old Best() was actually slower than BestHoldEmIndices()
=O I removed Best().
* since old Scor() was so much faster than old ScoreHand(), I
renamed them to ScoreHand() and SlowScoreHand() respectively since
computational version is unnecessary now.
* wrote to test BestHoldEmIndices() + ScoreHand()
against Best() + Scor(). Best()+Scor() only took 60% as long to run.
* added SortCards() call on ShortHand() param just in case
- 1.0.44ILBKV Sun Apr 18 21:11:20:31 2004
* wrote Scor() with gen'd enumerated hash of ShortHand => Score
* wrote HandScore() to just lookup index of a ShortHand from a score
* squashed 4 scoring bugs in one pair section
* used Algorithm::ChooseSubsets for new BestHoldEmIndices (on Jan's
* renamed enumerated BestHoldEmIndices() as Best()
* gave ScoreHand() optional arrayref param like others
* gave ScoreHand() optional ShortHand() string param
* updated 2do and tidied up documentation a bit
- 1.0.44H2DUS Sat Apr 17 02:13:30:28 2004
* added BestHoldEmIndices() and BestHoldEmHand() for Tim and Jan
* commented unnecessary Games::Cards inheritance since I haven't
written any compatability / object interface yet
- 1.0.44F2Q8F Thu Apr 15 02:26:08:15 2004
* original version