Revision history for Perl extension Devel-Cover-Report-Codecov
0.16 2016-12-15T03:19:15Z
- fix bugs that file name is invalid
0.15 2016-12-15T03:14:55Z
- support GitLab CI (thank you @melo)
0.14 2016-05-01T18:09:10Z
- fix a bug that can't parse Codecov's response
0.13 2016-03-04T13:58:51Z
- support branch
0.12 2016-01-01T00:30:58Z
- update documents
0.11 2015-12-20T12:45:28Z
- fix tests
0.10 2015-09-27T08:56:26Z
- fix tests
0.09 2015-08-24T15:04:21Z
- support Shippable
0.08 2015-08-23T09:42:01Z
- support local git and mercurial repository
- add Devel::Cover to dependencies
0.07 2015-08-15T14:16:59Z
- support Magnum CI
- fix API parameters from CI environment variables
0.06 2015-08-15T04:37:07Z
- support blib directory
0.05 2015-08-12T16:42:59Z
- fix bugs that doesn't work in Perl 5.8.x
0.04 2015-08-08T07:36:33Z
- support Snap CI
- support Semaphore
0.03 2015-08-05T15:34:50Z
- fix tests
0.02 2015-08-01T15:56:27Z
- fix documents
0.01 2015-08-01T15:03:15Z
- original version