Revision history for Perl extension Object::AutoAccessor.
0.04 Sun Jan 1 07:44:11 2006 JST
- added new_child(), child(), children(), has_child() and autoload()
- abolished to use unnecessary Exporter
0.03 Tue Dec 27 02:12:23 2005 JST
- bug fixed : AUTOLOAD could not return a child instance when using
arrow operator as method call for name
- param() returns a set value when calling as setter method with
only one pair of key and value
0.02 Fri Dec 23 17:20:00 2005 JST
- allowed any arguments to new() and renew() methods
- added abstract method _initialize()
0.01 Sat Aug 20 00:50:00 2005 JST
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AX -n Object::AutoAccessor