Revision history for Perl extension Class::Colon.

0.03  Mon Nov 10 12:53:30 CST 2003
        - Added Test::More to the prerequiste list in Makefile.PL.
        - Added a test for direct attribute access like $obj->{first} to
        - Corrected minor and glaring errors in the POD.

0.02  Tue Oct  7 12:08:50 CDT 2003
        - Changed the name of the fabricated class constructor from new to NEW
          to comply with the uppercase name convetion.  I promise not to
          use lowercase names so users can use those for fields.  They should
          avoid ALLCAPS names, so I can use them for method names.  new
          was in violation of the convention.  This has no effect on any
          code, unless the caller was using NEW as a field name (and they
          were warned not to).
        - Added TODO file.
        - Corrected documentation which stated that empty fields become
          undef.  They really become "".
        - Made minor corrections to tests and the data they use.
        - Added OBJECTIFY which takes a colon delimited string and returns
          the corresponding object.  This allows the caller to drive the input
        - Made it easier to add new methods in the future.
        - Changed the delimiter concept.  It must now be a simple string.
          This facilitates the output methods and seems more in the spirit
          of this cheap little module.
        - Added STRINGIFY so you can retrieve the object as a string with
          the current delimiter.
        - Added WRITE_FILE and WRITE_HANDLE so lists of objects can be
          rewritten to the disk.

0.01  Thu Oct  2 12:45:09 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AXn Class::Colon