Revision history for POE-Future
0.05 2024-01-02
* Swap unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
* Use `udata` interface of `Future` v0.49 in case of Future::XS
instances, which are not HASH references (RT150944)
0.04 2019-06-26 18:19:45
* Provide Future::IO::Impl::POE
* General module/distribution refresh
0.03 2014/08/22 23:33:46
* Remember to declare dependency on POE. Oops.
0.02 2014/08/22 13:19:28
* Remember to declare test dependency on Test::Timer
0.01 2014/08/22 10:29:56
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.