Revision history for Object-Pad-ClassAttr-Struct

0.06    2023-08-10
         * Swap all of the unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
         * Remember to implement `no ...` to disable the syntax
         * Switch to using `field` of Object::Pad v0.66

0.05    2022-12-20
         * Support `:Struct(readonly)` for declaring non-mutable structure

0.04    2022-12-16
         * Provide a positional-values constructor into every class

         * Account for exception message changes in recent Object::Pad version

0.03    2022-02-01
         * Updated for Object::Pad 0.60

0.02    2021-11-18
         * Also apply :strict(params) to the class itself
         * Updated for Object::Pad 0.57

0.01    2021-08-08
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.