Revision history for Object-Pad
0.817 2024-12-20
* Initial attempt at supporting an `:abstract` attribute on classes.
Similar to roles but much simpler and easier to implement
* Much internal reƤrrangement of the way OP_METHSTART is set up, to
hopefully allow more seamless integration with upcoming core perl
`faster-signatures` branch work
0.816 2024-11-25
* Rewrote module introduction documentation, emphasising the relating
to core perl 'class' feature and `Feature::Compat::Class`
* Added a documentation file, giving a guide to migrating from
classical Perl to `Object::Pad`
* Fix for t/82devel-mat-dumper-helper.t should require `Devel::MAT`
v0.53 or later, in case DMD writes a file in format version 0.6
0.815 2024-11-13
* Initial experiment at adding `APPLY` phaser blocks to roles
0.814 2024-09-20
* Depend on `XS::Parse::Sublike` v0.25 because of RT155630 bugfix
* Document and test the operation of `my method`
* Don't segfault when `->get_direct_method` fails to find the
requested method
0.813 2024-09-03
* Removed the `has` keyword; it now immediately throws a compiletime
* Ensure that the RHS of a field init expression permits any kind of
listexpr, including `( VAL ) x COUNT`
* Fix some docs typoes (thanks Nick Morrott) (RT155106)
0.812 2024-08-29
* Fix for perl 5.41.3, when `SAVEt_LONG` was removed
0.811 2024-08-21
* Accept requesting additional attributes to the
`$classmeta->add_field` MOP method
* XS API changes:
+ `get_obj_fieldsv()` does not need to take a ClassMeta argument
+ Added `mop_field_get_class()`
+ Added `get_field_for_padix()`
0.810 2024-08-10
* Use `File::ShareDir` for storing .h include file, rather than
storing the contents in the `__DATA__` section of the build helper
* Added field hook function `gen_valueassert_op`
* Warn when enabling all experiments at once with an unqualified
`:experimental` import
* Don't attempt to reserve the embedding slot in the pad twice when
making roles under composed_adjust (RT154494)
* Ensure that field variables are not visible at compiletime of
:common methods (RT154639)
0.809 2024-07-14
* Experimental attempt at supporting anonymous `class` syntax
* Add an extra debugging aid in the form of "linnets", canary-like
values added to every struct and checked on pointer casts
* Do not create a `new` constructor method for roles, only classes
* Ensure perl doesn't attempt to free() a non-malloced pointer when
deleting a method of an invokable role (RT152793)
* Ensure that `Object::Pad::MOP::Class->for_class` is not confused by
non-OP subclasses
* Make sure not to embed CVs of `:common` methods because that will
upset any lexical or pad temporary at pad index 3
0.808 2023-12-28
* Added `Object::Pad::MOP::Class->try_for_class`
* Nicer error message when calling `->for_class` on a package not
implemented using Object::Pad
* Avoid adding `Object::Pad::UNIVERSAL` to the `@ISA` array more than
once (RT150794)
0.807 2023-12-11
* Added `inherit` and `apply` keywords in an attempt to make
subclassing and role-application more flexible in future
* Experimental new ability to "import" fields from superclasses into
subclasses, permitting subclasses to interact with base class
fields directly
* Allow setting the `OBJECTPAD_FLAG_ATTR_*_VALUE` flags when
registering a custom attribute via the Perl-level MOP API
0.806 2023-11-14
* Allow field initialiser expressions to see the values of other
fields already declared
0.805 2023-10-20
* Added an experimental feature to compose all ADJUST blocks into a
single CV
* Removed experimental warning from `ADJUST :params`
* Don't crash the `Devel::MAT::Dumper` helper if a class does not
have a parammap (RT150151)
0.804 2023-10-04
* Add `:repr(pvobj)` for Perl 5.38+
* Much internal code adjustment to support instances not backed by
* Fix the METHSTART_CONTAINS_FIELD_BINDINGS optimisation that had been
recently broken, restoring its performance gains
0.803 2023-09-20
* Add `:repr(keys)` to use one hash key per field
* Performance improvements to constructor:
+ Use `av_*_simple()` functions when operating on internal AVs
+ Don't bother calling the universal `->BUILDARGS` method if the
class doesn't override it
+ Calculate the argument count just once
0.802 2023-08-22
* Internal XS-level changes:
+ Generate the basic accessor ops directly before invoking the
gen_accessor_ops chain, ensuring more reliable ordering
+ Renamed the `post_initfields` field hook to `post_makefields` to
better reflect when it actually runs
* Removed the special-case warning about `method BUILD`
* Added docs to point out that `ADJUST` blocks see method-like field
0.801 2023-08-10
* Warn at compiletime if `ADJUST` blocks perform out-of-block control
flow. This warning will become a compiletime error in a later
* Added `mop_class_get_attribute()` and
`mop_class_get_attribute_values()` to C-level API
* Removed the old `ClassHook->hookdata` and `FieldHook->hookdata`
variable aliases
* A better `sub VERSION` that works as a more transparent wrapper
0.800 2023-08-09
* Switched to three-digit version numbering
* Removed experimental warnings from non-constant field initialiser
* Emit deprecation warnings at compiletime from `has` keyword
* Expanded documentation about the implied pragmata changes, which
will likely be removed entirely in a later version.
* Emit a warning if implied strict/warnings was enabled, conditional
on `use Object::Pad` with this version number or later.
0.79 2023-05-09
* Swap all unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
* Support `goto LABEL` entirely within a field initialiser block
* Docs fix for implied method names to match names of fields
* Hide bleadperl's suspended compcv macros when redefining our own of
the same name
0.78 2023-01-12
* Don't complain about empty-list field initialisers being
non-constant (related to RT145618)
* Define more configuration options for `Feature::Compat::Class`
0.77 2022-12-19
* Fix C compiler errors and warnings
+ Neater handling of OP_NULL in optrees; avoids error of a case
label applied to a declaration, which upsets non-gcc compilers
+ Use PTR2UV / NUM2PTR pairs instead of plain casting
0.76 2022-12-16
* No longer consider `field VAR = CONST` experimental for constant
* Make field assignment and `ADJUST :params` slightly more efficient
by stealing new OP_HELEMEXISTSOR op from upcoming perl version
* Defined new ABI version 0.76
+ Adds `pre_seal` and `post_seal` functions for class hooks
0.75 2022-12-14
* Support fields using `//=` and `||=` defaulting operators, to match
the core perl `class` feature
* Define more configuration options for `Feature::Compat::Class`
0.74 2022-12-04
* Ensure that all struct fields are initialised after Newx(), by
using a C99-style struct assignment, ensuring no uninitialised
behaviour (RT145289)
0.73 2022-12-03
* Accept `field VAR = EXPR;` syntax; evaluated within constructor
similarly to block form
* Generally prefer `field` over `has` in docs, unit tests, etc...
* Long-deprecated `extends` and `implements` keywords are now
immediate compile-time failures
* Extended the C-level extension API
+ Added `get_compclassmeta()`
+ Added `mop_class_add_method_cv()` and `mop_class_get_name()`
+ Optional integration with XS::Parse::Keyword via the addition
of the `OPXKP_*` macros
* Account for bleadperl's slightly changed warning message of
"bareword found ..."
0.72 2022-11-30
* Accept `//=` and `||=` in named signature-like syntax for
`ADJUST :params` blocks
* Added `__CLASS__`
* Deprecate use of params hashref in `ADJUST` blocks; needs to be
written as `ADJUSTPARAMS`, which is not longer exactly synonymous
with `ADJUST`
0.71 2022-11-01
* Add a =head2 heading to docs on `ADJUST :params` for ease of
* Support latest blead-perl which adds the xV_FROM_REF macros
* Make sure to deref the CODE reference to ->add_method before
stuffing it into the GV (RT144975)
* Avoid C99-style for() loop variable, to keep older MSWin32
compilers happy
0.70 2022-10-29
* Added `ADJUST :params`, which permits named parameters to ADJUST
blocks (currently experimental)
0.69 2022-10-25
* Internal tidying to the way the initfields stage of the constructor
* Support for Feature::Compat::Class to enable the :isa class
attribute alone
0.68 2022-08-13
* Wording fix in new Object::Pad::MetaFunctions docs
* Avoid label at end of compound statement (RT144005)
0.67 2022-08-12
* Added `Object::Pad::MetaFunctions` to contain some introspection
and reflection helper functions
* Avoid writing the rather silly-sounding `field $field` in docs;
use single-letter field names like `$x` or `$f` instead
0.66 2022-07-07
* Improved performance on perl 5.22 onwards, by merging the operation
of the individual pp_fieldpad ops into the main pp_methstart op
* Prepare compatibility with core's `use feature 'class'`:
+ Support `field` keyword as a synonym of `has`, though without
immediate EXPR version
+ Merge meaning of `ADJUST` and `ADJUSTPARAMS`; give all such
blocks a params hashref. `ADJUSTPARAMS` is now just a synonym
* Print "discouraged" warnings on `requires` keyword
* Print deprecation warnings on `isa` and `does` subkeywords
* Added list-returning ->get_attribute_values() accessor to
* Deleted legacy XS symbols relating to "slot" from before it was
renamed to "field"
0.65 2022-05-10
* Document the required version for :experimental tags
* Mention the new Devel::MAT::Tool::Object::Pad in docs
* Update cv_copy_flags() for SvPADTMP fix; related to RT142468
0.64 2022-04-02
* Improvements to `:experimental` import tag (RT141801):
+ Support multiple experiments at once
+ Make sure to still enable the default keywords
* Much better integration with `Devel::MAT::Dumper`:
+ Export complete C-level structures and magic VTBL root
* Adjusted wording of "MOP API is experimental" so it doesn't refer
to a package that doesn't actually exist (RT141801)
0.63 2022-03-07
* Deleted long-deprecated Object::Pad->begin_class
* No longer declare the entire module as "experimental"
* Add experimental warnings to still-experimental features; recognise
`:experimental` import tags to silence them
* Ensure that generated accessors work correctly regardless of the
prevailing package when they were generated (RT141599)
* Ensure that classes and accessors can be generated entirely outside
of a BEGIN block (RT141677)
0.62 2022-03-01
* Add "common" methods:
+ Implement `:common` attribute for methods
+ Take 'common' argument to `$metaclass->add_method`
+ Added `$metamethod->is_common` accessor
* Don't require a terminating semicolon after `has $field { EXPR }`
* Better handling of role method embeddings that include lexical
captures (RT141483)
0.61 2022-02-16
* Added Object::Pad::MOP::Class->create_{class,role}
* Added $metaclass->seal (RT141294)
* Added $metaclass->add_required_method and ->required_method_names
* Accept bodyless `method NAME;` declarations to declare a required
role method
* Assert when compclassmeta->name doesn't match PL_curstname (RT141293)
0.60 2022-02-01
* The Great Slot/Field Rename:
+ "slot" is now called "field"; all perl-visible and XS API has
been renamed. Various back-compatibility redirections exist for
most of the parts used by other distributions.
* Print a deprecation warning on the legacy 'implements' and
'extends' keywords
* No longer supports the hooks API from pre-v57
* Perform unit testing using Data::Dumper instead of Data::Dump to
reduce non-core test_requires dependencies
0.59 2021-12-15
* Support lexical methods, stored in lexical variables
* Check :strict(params) even without any :param slots or ADJUSTPARAM
blocks (RT140314)
* Docs updates to improve searchability (RT140141)
* Don't fiddle with PL_curcop on non-DEBUGGING builds to avoid
disturbing caller() output (RT139408)
0.58 2021-11-25
* Trim whitespace within :attribute values (RT140109)
* Early seal on outer class when deriving an inner subclass of it
* Store the real slotix in fasthook cache, not its index within the
direct_slots AV
0.57 2021-11-18
* Defined new ABI version for class/slot hooks
+ Adds `funcdata` at registration and callback time
+ Adds MOP accessor functions for slotmeta default SV
* Added :isa() and :does() class attributes; encourage those rather
than the older keyword style
* Added more MOP methods:
+ $classmeta->direct_methods, ->get_direct_method
+ $classmeta->all_methods, ->get_method
+ $slotmeta->has_attribute, ->get_attribute_value
* Added Object::Pad::MOP::SlotAttr, allowing pure-perl slot
attributes that provide simple metadata storage
0.56 2021-10-22
* Support roles inheriting from (possibly-multiple) other roles
* Recognise `accessor` argument to $classmeta->add_slot
* Add some more MOP methods:
+ $classmeta->direct_roles
+ $classmeta->all_roles
+ $slotmeta->sigil
* Fix an uninitialised memory warning from valgrind to do with class
* Quiet the compiler warnings about hv_fetch's key argument maybe
being NULL
Development time for this release was sponsored by Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.55 2021-10-11
* Support :reader and :writer on array and hash slots (RT139647)
* Complain on attempt to invoke constructor of a class that is not
yet complete (RT139664)
* Ensure that psotslots and construct slothooks still run for
superclasses and applied roles (RT139665)
Development time for this release was sponsored by Deriv
0.54 2021-10-07
* Support slot initialiser blocks; don't invoke blocks for values
passed by :param
* Support slot default values on non-scalars
Development time for this release was sponsored by Deriv
0.53 2021-09-29
* Support null-or-unary reader/writer accessors, called simply
* Avoid some C99'isms which upset Windows compilers
* Remember to register pp_weaken() as a custom op
* Account for the newer OP_ARGCHECK aux structure of perl 5.31.5
* Set correct XPK_LEXVARNAME() type (related to RT139444)
0.52 2021-08-25
* Remember to actually enable `use warnings` (RT139027)
* Permit slotmeta value lookup on roles applied to instances
* Ensure `ADJUSTPARAMS` on superclass still works on subclasses that
don't add an `ADJUSTPARAMS` themselves
Development time for this release was sponsored by Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.51 2021-08-10
* Added `ADJUSTPARAMS` blocks
* Allow `apply` hook functions to modify the hookdata value that gets
stored by the hook
* Store method name data in accessor generator hooks, so other
modules can reliably find it
* Clarify in SYNOPSIS that the example requires perl 5.26 because of
signatures; also provide another copy that doesn't (RT138578)
* Don't segfault on colliding :param names (RT138633)
* Don't ship the authoring test xt/99exported-symbols.t (RT138634)
Development time for this release was sponsored by Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.50 2021-08-08
* Provide Object::Pad::ExtensionBuilder to assist 3rd party extension
module building
* Generally tidy up the exposed `object_pad.h` file to remove some
definitions we don't want to make public
* Add ABI version constants and fields in exposed hook function
structures for (hopefully) better forward compatibility
* Add the concept of class hooks, analogous to slot hooks
Development time for this release was sponsored by Deriv
0.49 2021-08-06
* Provide $XSAPI_VERSION to allow non-API-breaking changes to be made
without disturbing compiled 3rd party modules
* Better searching for in t/99exported-symbols.t
(thanks (RT138320)
* Gain a (small) runtime performance boost by remembering to set
* Ignore some internal linker symbols in t/99exported-symbols.t
* Remember to bump the version requirement of XS::Parse::Keyword in
the XS source (RT138318)
* Make slots visible to string-eval(), PadWalker, perl -d, etc..
Development time for this release was partly sponsored by
Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.48 2021-08-02
* Added features to slothooks:
+ New hooks `.seal_slot` and `.post_construct`
+ `.post_initslot` now runs earlier before `:param`
+ Added a MOP function to query slot attributes
+ Set a minimal pad during construction-time slot hooks
* Ensure that `:param` logic in constructor invokes setmagic
* Fixed many classes of UTF-8 bug on class/slot/method names
* Fixed segfault caused by runtime generation of roles (RT137952)
Development time for this release was sponsored by Deriv and
Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.47 2021-07-29
* Large internal rewrites
+ Split code among several smaller files instead of one giant
+ Rewrite the way that slot attributes work; allow an
externally-visible plugin-type system of hooks
* Removed `->param_name` and `->has_param` MOP::Slot accessors
Development time for this release was sponsored by Perl-Verein Schweiz
0.46 2021-07-21
* Accept reader, writer, mutator and weak as `->add_slot` parameters
* Document the `O:P:MOP::Class->begin_class` method
* Add `O:P:MOP::Class->begin_role`
* Enable `-DDEBUGGING` if building via debugperl
Development time for this release was sponsored by Deriv
0.45 2021-07-17
* Don't give role embedding information a pad name or
Future::AsyncAwait will break it (RT137649)
* Make sure that `parammeta->is_weak` is initialised even for params
applied via roles (RT137751)
0.44 2021-07-15
* Added `:weak` slot attribute
* Adjusted some documentation headings for better generation of HTML
anchors on
Development time for this release was sponsored by Oetiker+Partner AG
0.43 2021-07-03
* Initial implementation of `ADJUST` blocks, without params
* Better docs about ordering of stages of constructor
* Initial attempt at (temporary) `:struct(params)` class attribute
* Add O:P:MOP::Class and ::Slot support for slot params
Development time for this release was sponsored by Oetiker+Partner AG
0.42 2021-07-01
* Expose `$slotmeta->has_param` API
* Clarify in docs that `:param` happens before `BUILD`
* Remove the word "very" from "very experimental" in introduction
docs paragraph
* Add `$classmeta->slots`
* Make sure to embed params from roles correctly (RT136869)
* Use `XS_INTERNAL()` rather than `static XS()` to (maybe?) keep
cygwin happy
Development time for this release was sponsored by Oetiker+Partner AG
0.41 2021-06-21
* Recognise `:param` on slots, assign automatically from constructor,
check for required parameters
* Accept `isa` as a synonym for `extends`, and `does` as a synonym
for `implements`
* No longer allow `method BUILD`
* Complain about a lack of NAME for `class` (related to RT136798)
Development time for this release was sponsored by Oetiker+Partner AG
0.40 2021-06-02
* Updated for XS::Parse::Keyword v0.06
* Silence the -Wunused-variable warning about PL_savetype_name
* Yield PL_sv_yes from `class` statements so as to keep `require`
happy (RT136701)
0.39 2021-05-24
* Update parsing logic to use XS::Parse::Keyword
0.38 2021-05-14
* Added Object::Pad::MOP::Class->for_class and ->for_caller
* Provide a generated ->DOES method on each class to account for
applied roles (RT136462)
* Make sure that generated accessors are recorded in the metaclass as
real methods, ensuring role application includes them (RT136507)
0.37 2021-04-01
* Don't get confused by sub signature parameters of the same name as
slot variables (RT134456)
* Don't crash if extends/implements package names are missing or
malformed (RT134827)
* Reject requests to make accessors with invalid identifier names
0.36 2021-02-19
* Added $classmeta->compose_role() (RT134261)
* Docs updates
+ Point out that slot variables can also be exposed via :reader etc
+ Reƶrdering for better reading
* Always add accessor method name to "Too (many/few) arguments"
messages even on older perls
* Fix unit tests for change of argcheck message format in perl 5.33.6
0.35 2020-12-28
* Permit roles to request their methods still be directly invokable,
to provide back/forward compatibility during code migration
* More sanity checking around `extends` and `implements` keywords
* Better complaint about non-invokable methods directly from roles
* Workaround for string buffer swipe of stack temporaries in
0.34 2020-11-04
* Reword the "experimental warning" at the top of the docs
* Use named enum for repr type (thanks ilmari) (RT133354)
* Use named structs so pahole can see them (thanks ilmari) (RT133355)
* Make sure to set the CvGV of embedded CVs of methods imported from
* Fixed a crash case on Perl 5.18 and 5.20 involving the
PadnameOUTER() flag when fixing up PARENT_PAD_INDEX() (RT132814)
0.33 2020-09-16
* Roles can now have data slots
* `use v5.14` in all files
* pp_sv() needs to EXTEND() before PUSH()
* Avoid SEGV if ->begin_class is called without PL_parser set
* Defer sealing of derived classes until their base class is sealed
0.32 2020-08-19
* Initial attempt at roles, which can compose new methods into
classes. No support yet for roles with data slots
* Support compiletime declaration of `requires` methods
0.31 2020-06-30
* Don't emit a named method for BUILD blocks
+ Enables subclassing of Moo classes
* Begin documenting the (double-experimental) Object::Pad::MOP API
* Parser fix for `class NAME VERSION extends ...` without a linefeed
* Placate some compiler warnings of uninitialised values
* Find a different way to trigger class sealing which doesn't depend
on `free` magic of hinthash values, in order to avoid core perl bug
* Various small fixes to keep -DDEBUGGING perl happy
0.30 2020-06-20
* Make generated writer methods return $self, for convenient chaining
* Apply argument checking to generated accessor methods
* Improved performance of constructor, by storing BUILD blocks
directly in the class metadata, avoiding runtime method lookup
* Updates for XS::Parse::Sublike 0.10
0.29 2020-06-16
* Accept :override attribute on methods
* Accept runtime expressions as `has $slot = DEFAULT`
* Added Devel::MAT::Dumper::Helper support
* Fix various compiler warnings
0.28 2020-06-14
* Declare correct version of XS::Parse::Sublike in configure_requires
as we need it at Build.PL time
* Fix printf formats for SLOTOFFSET arguments
* Fix github URL in docs
0.27 2020-06-13
* Support :reader :writer :mutator attributes on slot variables, to
automatically generate accessor methods for them
* Accept `BUILD { ... }` without the `method` keyword. Suggest this
as usual style. Discourage the `method` form.
* Updated advice to module authors on how to declare package/VERSION
sufficient to keep toolchain modules happy
0.26 2020-04-27
* Sanity-checking of ->add_slot names
* Permit "anonymous" slots with sigils but no names; accessed only
via $slotmeta->value
* Warn when $self lexical is shadowed (partly fixes RT132428)
* Ensure to run GETMAGIC on ->add_slot names
* Removed extranous and undeclared `use Devel::MAT::Dumper` from unit
0.25 2020-04-24
* Further expanded the (undocumented) MOP API
+ Added beginnings of O:P:MOP::Class, O:P:MOP::Slot sufficient to
create classes and add slots and methods to them
* Ensure that anonymous methods can perform lexical captures from
outside scopes (RT132178)
* Ensure that subclasses without BUILD methods don't double invoke
that of their superclass
* Ensure a method's optree begins with OP_NEXTSTATE as debug tools
may rely on this (RT132413)
* Don't rely on Test::MemoryGrowth at test time, so tests can still
pass on non-Linux
0.24 (bad MANIFEST)
0.23 2020-04-21
* Add another new :repr type of autoselect, which chooses the most
appropriate type for the situation
0.22 2020-04-17
* Allow classes to request their representation type using new
class attribute :repr - choices are native(default), HASH, magic
0.21 2020-04-15
* Added Object::Pad->begin_class() (undocumented)
(mostly fixes RT132337 and RT132338)
* Improved performance of OP_SLOTPAD
* Handle UTF-8 package names more correctly
* Fix memory leaks related to OP_METHSTART (RT132332)
0.20 2020-04-10
* Update suggested style for methods with signatures to put
whitespace before open paren
* Use core's `feature "indirect"` in preference to where
available (perl 5.31.9 onwards)
* Fix for segfault when compiling inner anon methods inside other
methods (RT132321)
0.19 2020-04-04
* More sanity checking of HASH-based foreign superclass constructor
* More unit testing of reliable destruction of constructor and
BUILDARGS arguments
* Allow classic Perl superclass constructors to invoke methods on
instances (RT132263)
* Fix SP pointer discipline during method calls in generated
0.18 2020-03-30
* Implement the BUILDARGS part of constructor protocol
* Apply the :method attribute to all method subs
0.17 2020-03-27
* Add some style suggestions for code authors using the module
* Updated for XS::Parse::Sublike 0.06 API
* Create a new slot pad for every method instead of reusing one;
avoids some refcounting issues that cause segfaults (RT132249)
0.16 2020-03-26
* Always generate the slots AV even with no slots because otherwise
METHSTART gets upset about no-slot subclasses
* Capture the `async method` unit tests from Future-AsyncAwait
* Ensure that object refs or slot values don't hang around in method
lexicals after they've returned (RT132228)
* Use OP_STUB to ensure no-slot subclasses don't crash OP_PUSH on
perls 5.18 to 5.22 (thanks ilmari)
0.15 2020-03-19
* Use XS::Parse::Sublike 0.04
+ Provides bugfixes for parameters in sub signatures with defaults
* Handle class-scoped regular lexicals and outer captures
0.14 2020-03-17
* Use XS::Parse::Sublike 0.02's `register_xs_parse_sublike()` ability
0.13 2020-03-15
* Use XS::Parse::Sublike for the bulk of the `method` parsing work
* Inline the code for Perl_package_version() because it isn't
exported API so not actually visible on non-ELF platforms
0.12 2020-03-10
* Minor adjustments to order of operations in method keyword parsing
to closer match core's parser
* Rename t/80dynamically+Object::Pad.t to use a hyphen because colons
confuse MSWin32 (RT132087)
0.11 2020-03-07
* More efficient method enter on perl 5.22 onwards by detecting which
slots are being used per method and only set those ones up
* Fix some C99isms in XS code (RT131417)
* Avoid a C++-style comment in hax/
0.10 2019-11-20
* Back-compat fixes for perl 5.16, 5.20
0.09 2019-11-20
* Accept optional version number for `class` declaration and
`extends` base class
* Provide a default `BUILDALL` method which invokes all the available
`BUILD` methods of component packages
* Unit-test that Syntax::Keyword::Dynamically works correctly with
object slots and document the fact that `local` does not
* Generate the constructor as an XSUB so we can find the superclass
for derived subclasses better and avoid an infinite recusion loop
on double-subclassing.
0.08 2019-11-10
* Accept `class Name;` to introduce a toplevel class scope
* Attempt to `require` the relevant module for `extends` if it
doesn't appear to be loaded
0.07 2019-10-25
* Allow subclassing of non-Object::Pad base classes, provided they
are HASH-based
* Correct handling of UTF-8 package and slot names (thanks ilmari)
0.06 2019-10-23
* First attempt at `has $slot = DEFAULT` expressions. Only accepts
compiletime constants and only on scalar slots
0.05 2019-10-20
* Implement single-inheriance subclassing
0.04 2019-10-19
* Croak on attempts to invoke methods on non-instances, non-derived
classes, etc...
* Support perls back to 5.16 by various trickery
* Store array and hash slot variables via RV so the instances are
well-behaved as perl data structures
0.03 2019-10-18
* Implement sub signatures
* Apply automatic pragmata - strict, warnings, -indirect
0.02 2019-10-17
* `method name :lvalue` and (maybe) other attributes
* Support perls back to 5.22 due to wrap_keyword_plugin hax
0.01 2019-10-17
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.