Revision history for IO-Async-Resolver-DNS

0.06    2015/07/31 18:26:51
         * Make use of (upcoming) IO::Async 0.68's extended failure reporting
           to provide information about the nature of resolver failures

0.05    2015/07/22 18:15:22
         * Have new resolver methods return Futures
         * Updated documentation style

0.04    2013/09/01 01:18:37
         * Needs 'use Net::DNS::Resolver'

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Extract extra information from A, AAAA and PTR lookups
         * Updated for IO::Async 0.47 - ->run and ->stop methods

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Extract extra information from MX and SRV lookups
         * Some attempt at error detection and reporting
         * General code neatening and rearrangement

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.