Revision history for Device-Chip-CC1101

0.10    2024-04-10
         * Improvements to timeout behaviour
            + Use gettimeofday to use real time
            + Add timeout to marcstate transitions
         * Use ->will_done of Test::Device::Chip::Adapter 0.24

0.09    2023-09-13
         * General module style updates:
            + Updated for Object::Pad v0.800
            + Swap unit tests to `Test2::V0`

0.08    2022-12-12
         * Updated for Object::Pad v0.73:
            + Use `field NAME = EXPR` syntax

0.07    2022-04-28
         * Use the new :isa from Object::Pad 0.57 to avoid `extends`

0.06    2021-06-21
         * Use `:param` slot attribute from Object::Pad 0.41

0.05    2020-12-06
         * Use toplevel 'await' syntax from Future::AsyncAwait 0.47

0.04    2020-06-13
         * Update to Object::Pad 0.27
            + BUILD block syntax
            + package+class declaration to keep metadata parsers happy

0.03    2020-03-27
         * Use Object::Pad for class implementation
         * Added script for generating static config

0.02    2019-09-11 01:33:45
         * Support both 433MHz and 868MHz bands
         * Yield some derived settings from `->read_config` for convenience

0.01    2019-09-10 13:02:30
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.