Revision history for Attribute-Storage

0.11    2024-09-06
         * Added ability to apply, query, and find attributes on scalar, array
           and hash variables, as well as subroutines
         * Use `meta` to simplify internals previously built using
           `no strict 'refs'`
         * Swapped unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
         * Avoid test-time dependency on `Test::NoWarnings`

0.10    2022-04-28
         * Refresh module documentation style
         * Remember to `#define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT` in .xs file
         * Depends on perl versions >= 5.14

0.09    2014/05/12 16:06:20
         * Added apply_subattrs and find_subs_with_attr; useful copies from
           Circle code

0.08    BUGFIXES:
         * Ensure that dynamic late application using attributes->import
           works, even from other packages
         * Ensure that multi-line attribute definitions work

0.07    CHANGES:
         * Implement NAME attribute flag; allows attribute handling functions
           to know the name of the function they are being applied to

0.06    CHANGES:
         * Implement MULTI attribute flag; allows attributes to be invoked
           multiple times per marked sub

0.05    CHANGES:
         * Use XSLoader instead of DynaLoader

0.04    BUGFIXES:
         * Need to use Module::Build to build it now, generate a 'small'
           Makefile.PL rather than 'traditional'

0.03    CHANGES:
         * Use Magic to implement value storage behind CVs so that destruction
           correctly frees old values on code reload or dropping anonymous

0.02    CHANGES:
         * Allow RAWDATA for unparsed attributes
         * Various updates to keep CPANTS happy

0.01    First version, released on an unsuspecting world.