2.1.8 - 2011-11-30
  - fixed structured.t to work with latest moose

2.1.7 - 2011-07-28
  - perfomance improvement by removing redundant call to is_inflated (thanks timbunce)

2.1.6 - 2011-06-20
  - readded support for Moose 1.25
  - added support for Moose 2.02 (doy)

2.1.5 - 2011-06-08
  - fixed is_inflated() returning false results when called
    while the object is being created

2.1.4 - 2011-04-12
  - better diagnostics when inflation/deflation fails
  - fixed bug where coercion didn't happen with Moose > 1.99

2.1.2 - 2011-04-11
  - added JSON prereq

2.1.1 - 2011-04-05
  - fixed role composition (doy)
  - fixed bogus prereqs

2.1.0 - 2011-03-17
  - Deflating/Inflating attributes can now be defined in roles
    and composed in a class that doesn't use LazyDeflator

2.0.1 - 2011-03-17
  - deflate/inflate return now the value of the attribute
    even if no deflator/inflator could be found
  - has_deflator/inflator now work correctly with typed contraints

  - Moose 2.0 compliant
  - Moose 1.24 compliant (thanks doy)
  - Made mutable classes behavior consistent with immutable
  - Some speed improvement using inlining of code
  - Allow attributes without type constraints

1.130002 - 2011-02-13
  - has_deflator/inflator return undef if there is no
    type constraint

1.130000 - 2010-10-10
  - Fixed compat with Moose 1.15

1.120001 - 2010-08-28
  - Speed up inflation

1.120000 - 2010-08-28
  - Coerce and LazyInflator work as expected

1.101670 - 2010-06-16
  - Added is_inflated attribute meta class method
  - Mark attributes as being inflated on construction
    if they pass the type constraint

1.101640 - 2010-06-13
  - Added LazyInflator and test
  - Refactored inflate/deflate and Registry for speed

1.100990 - 2010-04-09
  - Initial release