Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Graph.

1.03 2010-11-10
  - Don't call update on DBIC object when constructing Graph

1.02 2010-10-26
  - Compatible with MooseX::DBIC

1.01 2010-09-11
  - Ship with DDL file

1.00 2010-09-01
  - rewrote a lot of the code.
  - Handles a foreign table for parent/child connection now
    this allows for multiple parents and childs on one object
  - faster, removed some unnecessary prefetches and database roundtrips
  - moosification
  - get_graph is deprecated and no longer needed
  - Graph methods can be called directly on the ResultSet, no need to call graph anymore
  - call ->result_source->has_column instead of has_column on rows

0.05 2009-03-15
  - We will not attempt to set a new resultset if it ->isa() already

0.04 2009-03-10
  - Bug with all_successors in Graph (see
  - added test for that
  - reverted to own implementation if all_successors and all_predecessors

0.03  2009-03-07
  - uses all_successors/all_predecessors from Graph (since 0.85)

0.02  2008-08-01
  - first release
  - applied pod fixes
  - added tests
  - removed relationship feature

0.01_02 2008-07-27
  - removed perl 5.8.8 dependency
  - added dependency sql-t

0.01_01  Mon Mar  3 12:46:31 2008
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XAn DBIx::Class::Graph