Revision history for CatalystX-ExtJS

1.123000 2010-11-29
  - API controllers in the API namespace lose the "API" prefix
  - Fixed naming for actions in deep controller namespaces

1.122000 2010-09-27
  - Fixed location algorithm for config files
  - Adjusted file upload via Direct

1.121000 2010-08-18
  - Fixed file uploads via the Ext.Direct API

1.120000 2010-08-17
  - Fixed #60070 (ExtJS 3.2.1 compatibility)
  - Fixed #60396 (Ext.Direct error handling)
  - Require JavaScript::Dumper (fixes bogus prereq problem)
  - The default root property is now "data". If you have set no_list_metadata then it will 
    remain the old value of "rows"
  - Also you can set root_property

1.110000 2010-08-16
  - Fixed form_base_file to work with deep-hierarchy controllers

1.101700 2010-06-19
  - Fixed prereq

1.101670 2010-06-16
  - Fixed content-type for Direct API
  - Fixed prereq

1.101570 2010-06-06
  - Fixed bogus bug where C::View::JSON prepends the BOM when agent = Safari
  - Fixed meta to not include example/tutorial libs
  - Fixed #57373 (Global configuration doesn't work as documented)

1.101560 2010-06-05
  - Ext.Direct support
  - Ext.Direct API Controller
  - REST uses now path_to to find form files instead of hard-coded path
  - added example (run 'perl -Ilib example/script/')
  - added tutorial
  - added tutorial app (run 'perl -Ilib tutorial/script/')
  - caching is disabled in debug mode
  - improved performance (using Moose attributes and config file caching)
  - caching is disabled in debug mode
  - ditch Subrequest in favor of visit()
  - works with latest C::R::REST
  - Got rid of C::R::REST dispatcher in ::REST class
  - SELECT ... FOR UPDATE for update & delete
  - use transactions

0.11 2010-01-03
  - Order by me.* (fixes ambiguous errors)

0.10 2009-12-08
  - Silence debug messages
  - fixed failing test on win32 (#500002, thanks kmx)

0.09 2009-09-17
  - removed hack to ignore empty file and password fields
    this can now be achieved via ignore_if_empty in formfu
  - the object is now stashed after creating it
    you can access it via $c->stash->{object}
  - the form object is now on the stash and can easily be

0.08 2009-09-12
  - introduced parameter validation in list context

0.07 2009-09-10
  - yet another missing prereq

0.06 2009-09-07
  - yet another missing prereq

0.02 - 0.05
  - fixed versioning problems
  - added new prereqs

0.01 2009-08-27
  - first official cpan release