Revision history for Benchmark-Command
0.08 2015-06-14 (PERLANCAR)
0.07 2015-06-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Tweak/fix regex to strip program's output.
0.06 2015-06-13 (PERLANCAR)
0.05 2015-06-13 (PERLANCAR)
- Replace option 'debug' with 'quiet' and reverse the default behavior.
Previously it was all too easy to lose program's output. If the
command was erroneous, prints an error message, and exits early, this
can ruin the benchmark result. Previously this was not displayed by
default because by default program's output is stripped. Now the
default behavior is to *not* strip program's output, unless the
'quiet' option is set to true.
- Add option: ignore_exit_code. Now a non-zero exit code will cause the
benchmark to die, unless we set this option to true.
- Add per-command options: ignore_exit_code, skip_not_found.
- Tweak examples and other minor fixes.
0.04 2015-04-10 (PERLANCAR)
- Add option: debug; by default strip programs' output unless in
debug mode.
0.03 2015-04-09 (PERLANCAR)
- Allow specifying per-command option (first element of command
arrayref). Known per-command options: env.
- Allow specifying coderef command, which will be used as-is.
0.02 2015-04-09 (PERLANCAR)
- Add option: skip_not_found.
- Change wording in Description.
0.01 2015-04-09 (PERLANCAR)
- First release.