0.007 2021-07-08 Released-By: PERLANCAR; Urgency: medium
- [bugfix] [dist] Run InsertDistImage dzil plugin after PodWeaver
to avoid mangled location.
0.006 2019-05-06 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- No functional changes.
- [doc] Add sample screenshot.
0.005 2019-03-28 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Observe RSYNCCOLOR_RSYNC_CMD environment variable.
0.004 2018-12-02 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Observe NO_COLOR (see https://no-color.org).
0.003 2018-02-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- Workaround to avoid undef warning.
0.002 2018-02-01 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- [Bugfix] Use fgets() so progress (rsync -P) can get shown.
0.001 2018-01-24 Released-By: PERLANCAR
- First release.