Revision history for Perl extension List::Rotation::Cycle

        initial published revision

        * added more tests and META.yml
        * The API and methods are not changed. So there is no reason to upgrade from 1.003.

        * Added Memoize to prerequisits
        * Changed all perl files to non-executable
        * Added SIGNATURE file
        * Upgraded META.yml to META-spec-v1.3
        * manually added build_prereq to META.yml
        * Added a example file (without a real example)

        This will be the last supported version of List::Rotation::Cycle
        (unless someone finds some bugs).
        I suggest you use List::Rotation instead.
        The Module List::Rotation also contains a package
        List::Rotation::Cycle     and some derivatives of it
        List::Rotation::Alternate and