Revision history for Perl extension XML::STX.
0.07 February 14, 2003
- group buffers without content (stx:buffer, @name)
- local buffers (stx:buffer, @name)
- stx:result-buffer (@clear)
- stx:process-buffer (@group)
- bug fixes (variables as QNames, top-level variables)
0.06 January 31, 2003
- stx:procedure (@name, @visibility, @new-scope)
- stx:call-procedure (@name, @group)
- stx:process-self (@group)
- added namespace nodes and namespace axis
- bug fixes (@*, namespace-uri, group names as QNames,
string values, process-children)
0.05 January 15, 2003
- the first version uploaded to CPAN
- string values updated (WD 14 January)
- naming changes according to WD 14 January
start-element, end-element, @new-scope, @pass-through
- added @group to stx:process-children
- added @group to stx:process-attributes
- added @name to stx:group
- stx:choose, stx:when (@test), stx:otherwise
- text nodes no more joined on the output
- bug fixes (// in match pattern, position(),
variable initialization, comparisons, paths as fc arguments,
'/' match pattern, multiple attributes)
- STX NS URI changed to
0.04 September 3, 2002
- parenthesis sequence constructors supported in STXPath
- stx:process-attributes: without 'mode'
- stx:if (@test), stx:else
- added STXPath functions: count, empty, item-at, sublist
0.03 July 3, 2002
- output well-formedness checks
- stx:variable (@name, @select, @keep-value): local variables,
group variables with select
- stx:assign (@name, @select)
- recursive template calls (@recursion-entry-point)
- lookahead in STXPath (text())
- added STXPath functions: has-child-nodes, starts-with, contains,
substring, substring-before, substring-after, string-length
- minor fixes
0.02 June 4, 2002
- fixed AVT attributes
- complete matching (visible, global)
- added STXPath functions: position, get-node, level,
concat, translate, not
0.01 May 31, 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20
- stx:transform (@version)
- stx:options (@strip-space, @no-match-events,
@default-stxpath-namespace, @recognize-cdata)
- stx:template (@match, @priority)
- literal elements: full (including AVT in attributes)
- literal text (in templates)
- stx:process-children: without 'mode'
- stx:value-of (@select)
- stx:copy (@attributes): elements, text, cdata,
processing-instructions, comments
- stx:element (@name, @namespace)
- stx:element-start (@name, @namespace)
- stx:element-end (@name, @namespace)
- stx:attribute (@name, @namespace, @select)
- stx:text, stx:cdata
- stx:comment, stx:processing-instruction
- matching: the 1st precedence category
(the same group + public/global templates from childrens)
- STXPath: no variables, limited set of functions
- STXPath functions: true, false, boolean, string, number,
name, namespace, local-name, prefix, normalize-space