Revision history for Perl extension D64::Disk::Status.

0.03  2013-03-09
    - fixed "First argument to Readonly must be a reference" compilation error
      of a status factory class for Perl 5.6.2 by extracting a constant list of
      DOS error messages and supplying a backslash over their value assignment
      (this is needed since Readonly has got a slightly different syntax for
      versions of Perl prior to 5.8, when it requires a reference as the first

0.02  2013-02-13
    - fixed "First argument to Readonly must be a reference" compilation error
      for Perl 5.6.2 by replacing "%errors" hash in a status factory class with
      "$errors" hash reference

0.01  2013-02-09
    - initial version (provides basic status class definition and accessor
      methods, as well as a factory class with all existing 1541 DOS error