Revision history for Perl module String::Dump

0.09 2013-02-06
 - Reinstated automatic exporting of functions because this module is primarily
   used for testing and debugging

0.08 2012-10-24
 - Added dump_codes()
 - Removed functions from automatic exports after deprecating in 0.06
 - Converted this file from YAML to the standard CPAN Changes format
 - Improved docs

0.07 2012-03-04
 - Simplify and optimize algorithms
 - Minor documentation updates

0.06 2012-02-19
 - Removed dumpstr() and dump_string()
 - NOTE: Deprecated implicit exporting of functions

0.05 2011-12-27
 - Added dump_hex(), dump_dec(), dump_oct(), dump_bin(), dump_names() functions
 - Added dumpstr cammand-line tool
 - Moved POD tips to String::Dump::Debugging
 - NOTE: dumpstr() and dump_string() will be removed in the next release
 - APOLOGY: Sorry for all the recent design changes :P

0.04 2011-12-14
 - Replaced unknown Unicode names in names mode with '?'
 - Added parameter validations
 - Removed dump_string from automatic exports

0.03 2011-12-12
 - Renamed dump_string() to dumpstr()
 - Added dump_string() as an alias of dumpstr()
 - NOTE: Automatic dump_string() exporting will be removed in the next release

0.02 2011-12-12
 - Improved POD, Build.PL, and INSTALL

0.01 2011-12-10
 - First release