Revision history for Perl extension Unknown::Values.

0.006   December 13, 2021
        - Test::Difference's eq_or_diff seems to have caused some grief with this module
          (internally trying to dereference my data). is_deeply doesn't cause the
          "Dereferencing cannot be performed on unknown values" error.

0.005   February 25, 2013
        - Fix the minimum Perl assertion in the generated Makefile.PL (Darin McBriade #83563)
        - Add fatal unknown objects (multiple comments this would be useful)
        - unknowns sort last (bart on

0.004   February 20, 2013
        - Fix two invalid overloads (Toby Inkster #83477)
        - is_unknown now defaults to checking $_ (Toby Inkster #83470)
        - Minor doc nits (Toby Inkster and Krasimir Berov #83469 and #83471)

0.003   February 19, 2013
        - Make a non-trial release to claim the namespace on CPAN
        - Update docs to be explicit about EXPORT

0.002   February 19, 2013
        - First release

0.001   February 19, 2013
        - Implement 3VL in Perl ("unknown" instead of "undef")