Revision history for Test::Most

0.37    2020-04-04
        - Don't call parent DESTROY method if it does not exist (thanks,

0.36    2020-04-04
        - Ensure Test::Builder's original DESTROY is called. Thanks to Karen

0.35    2016-08-11
        - Bump module deps due to Test2. Test2 is tested well enough that
          you're probably OK, but you'll want to retest your code with this

0.34    2014-08-03
        - Make compatible with the new Test::Builder (exodist - Chad Granum)
        - Backwards-incompatible change: reftype no longer exported by
          default. See (reported
          by rjattril). This should not be noticed by most users
        - defer_plan() has long been deprecated and will be removed in a
          future release. This release carp()s if you try to call it.

0.33    2013-01-12
        - Oops. Uploaded a bad .tar.gz

0.32    2013-01-12
        - Fixed "(in cleanup) Can't use an undefined value as a subroutine
          reference" error.
		- Remove Build.PL.

0.31    2012-09-06
        - Fix "You tried to plan twice" bug (reported on #78564)

0.30    2012-09-05
        - Bugfix: Moose can now be used safely as we exclude
          Test::Deep::blessed by default (multiple reports)
        - Bugfix from Randy Stauner. Time::HiRes eval test uses $@, not @_
        - carp instead of warn (Olivier Mengué)
        - Remove autogenerated files (Olivier Mengué)

0.25    2011-08-17
        - Add timeit() function to time individual behaviours.

0.24    2011-06-18
        - Update dependencies to pick up multiple bug fixes, new behaviours,
          in various Test:: libraries.

0.23    2010-09-08
        - added "Excluding Test Symbols" feature (RT#61146, Karen Etheridge).

0.22    2010-08-07
        - Added always_explain() and always_show().
        - Apply doc fixes from ranguard. Thanks :)

0.21_04 2010-02-06
        - Give people the ability to exclude test modules in case of
          conflicts.  This is to resolve: "Prototype mismatch: sub
          main::blessed ($) vs none" error with Moose and Test::Deep.  See

0.21_03 2010-02-06
        - Bump up dependency on Test::Builder.  Need that for done_testing()
          and to deprecate all_done().
        - Remove strict and warnings from tests since they no longer need them
        - Decided to bump up the minimum version number for all test modules.
          This module should be "one stop shopping" for most people.
        - Moderately significant POD update.

0.21_02 2010-02-06
        - Import strict an warnings.
        - Increase version requirement for
  Thanks to Gerda
          Shank for that.

0.21_01 2009-02-18
        - Have explain() depend on Test::More::note() (patch from Schwern)
        - Depend on Test::More directly (patch from Scwhern)

0.21    2009-02-18
        - No changes.  Update version for release.

0.20_02 2008-11-26
        - Make sure tests don't fail if optional Data::Dumper::Names
          dependency is not met.

0.20_01 2008-11-25
        - Added &show.  Like &explain, but tries to show variable names.

0.20    2008-11-06
        - If a test dies because die_on_fail() or 'Test::Most qw(die)' is
          triggered, we now throw a 'Test::Most::Exception' rather than simply
          dieing.  This makes it easier for software to understand what's
          happening if this is trapped in an eval.
        - Have t/00-load.t report dependency versions since CPAN testers does
          not reliably do this.
        - Move some tests to xt/author to ensure that spurious failures don't
          cause CPAN install issues.

0.12    2008-10-15
        - Make sure we don't get redef warnings with Test::Builder 0.82.
        - Expose &set_failure_handler to people can customize it more.

0.11    2008-07-29
        - explain() now automatically uses Data::Dumper on references.

0.10    2008-07-22
        - Rename internal keys to begin with TEST_MOST_ instead of XXX_.
        - Rework tests to be slightly less comprehensive but more likely to
          pass (removed the otherwise lovely Test::Command until we can figure
          out what's up with it).

0.04   2008-06-19
        - Forget to add Test::Warn to :)

0.03   2008-06-18
        - Remembered to add t/defer_plan.t to the manifest.  D'oh!

0.02    2008-06-18
        - Fixed Perl version in Build.PL to avoid problems with smoke testers
          skipping this test.
        - Added Test::Warn support (suggestion from benh).
        - Fixed bug whereby Test::Deep tests were not exported.  Whoops! :)
        - Add deferred plans.  Thanks to barefootcoder++ (Buddy Burden) for
        - Added build dependency on Test::Command (nice module!)

0.01    2008-01-13
        - Use the most common test features.