Changes for Perl extension Template-Tiny-Strict
1.17 2021-05-02 15:23:14 CEST
- Merged typo fix in Changes. Thanks to Karen Etheridge for the PR.
- You can optionally "name" a template. The name will be reported
in errors.
1.16 2021-05-01 09:14:21 CEST
- Fix minor POD error.
- Interim release to handle missing Changes in last release
1.15 2021-05-01 09:02:02 CEST
- Forked from Template::Tiny to Template::Tiny::Strict
- Added forbid_undef and forbid_unused arguments
- Retroactively update these Changes
1.13 2021-01-30 17:28:27Z
- distribution tooling updates
1.12 2011-06-17
- Template::Tiny is unchanged for a year, moving to stable release
- Cleaning up POD grammar a bit (ADAMK)
- Removing test dependency on Capture::Tiny for tiny purity (ADAMK)
0.11 2010-02-22
- Adding preparse-specific test script (ADAMK)
- Add compatibility with the horrible TT process() signature (MSTROUT)
0.10 2010-01-24
- The use of the constructor is now compulsory, as per
- Adding support for constructor params
- Adding support for constructor TRIM param
- The process method now works in both static and instance modes
0.09 2009-12-16
- Adding support for "private" _foo keys
0.08 2009-12-13
- Removing some minor code no longer needed.
- Updating the POD documentation
0.07 2009-12-13
- Recursion is now processed top to bottom
- Added support for FOREACH
0.06 2009-12-13
- Added support for nested [% IF %] and [% UNLESS %] conditions
0.05 2009-12-10
- Expression chains in a condition that terminate in an object
will boolify the object instead of stringifying it + tests for it
0.04 2009-12-10
- Reduced implementation by 8kb
- As a side effect of this, added support for UNLESS/ELSE
- Matching behaviour of TT to NOT chomp on -%](space)(EOF)
- Switch to Tiny-style Makefile.PL
0.03 2009-12-10
- Bug fix for methods in expressions
- Added test case for method calls
0.02 2009-12-08
- Added support for [%- -%]
- Added support for recursive simple expressions
- Added support for [% IF expr %]
- Added support for [% UNLESS expr %]
- Added support for [% ELSE %]
0.01 2009-12-06
- Created initial release