Revision history for MooseX-Extended
0.06 2022-05-26 14:32:54 CEST
- Make it very easy to exclude features and include types.
0.05 2022-05-26 10:24:35 CEST
- Assert a minimum version of various Type:: modules due to CPAN
test failures from old versions released eight years ago!
0.04 2022-05-25 10:41:10 CEST
- Moved critic and tidy tests to xt/author to prevent false
negatives on CPAN testers
- Use github actions to have proper CI for linux and windows
0.03 2022-05-24 18:28:10 CEST
- Don't disable namespace::autoclean while using debugger
0.02 2022-05-24 10:06:47 CEST
- support postderef_qq (thanks, haarg)
- Fix broken POD name, causing the overview to not be linked
0.01 2022-05-24 09:44:44 CEST
- Reorganize docs to provide links to a manual
- Make cloning much more flexible (thanks to Leon Timmermans for
pointing out that my previous approach wasn't enough).
- Start adding exceptions
- Throw exceptions if attribute names or shortcut names are invalid
- Support v5.20.0
- Add github actions
- Add postderef support
- Trial support for `clone => 1`
- Roles will now warn if a class overrides a role method without
excluding it (in Moose, the class silently ignores the role method)
- Add shortcuts for writer, clearer, builder, predicate
- Role support added
- make_immutable is now the default (thanks, haarg)
- no need to add a true value to the end of your module (thanks, haarg)
- Clean up and test mro setting (thanks, haarg!)
- use MooseX::HasDefaults::RO to allow the RO default
- Start building out a TODO wishlist in the POD
- Add [CPANFile] Dist::Zilla plugin (thanks, Happy Barney)
- First pass at experimental Moose version