2007-08-21 08:31 olivier.salaun
* lib/AuthCAS.pm: [reported by P.Brusten]Fix: expected an arrayref
instead of an array for gethttps2() output. This bug was
introduced by S.More's patch. Concel it.
2007-08-21 08:20 olivier.salaun
* README: Refer to the bug tracking system
2007-04-06 16:14 olivier.salaun
* Changes: Updated
2007-04-06 16:10 olivier.salaun
* META.yml, lib/AuthCAS.pm: preparind 1.2
2007-04-06 16:05 olivier.salaun
* lib/AuthCAS.pm: [Kasper Løvschall] Fix: XML parser now accepts
multiple name space tags in CAS xml responses
2007-04-06 15:56 olivier.salaun
* lib/AuthCAS.pm: [#24021] [Stephen More] Fix: error trapping in
2007-04-06 15:30 olivier.salaun
* debian, debian/compat, debian/control, debian/copyright,
debian/rules: [Lionel Porcheron, Anywhere] Added the required
files to allow Debian packaging.
2006-11-13 13:02 olivier.salaun
* Changes: updated
2006-04-11 14:01 olivier.salaun
* lib/AuthCAS.pm: Fix: Added "Host:" HTTP header field to requests
2006-03-14 09:42 olivier.salaun
* META.yml, lib/AuthCAS.pm, t/00.load.t: preparing release 1.1
2006-03-14 08:40 olivier.salaun
* t/00.load.t: [reported by L.Porcheron]: incorrect tests referring
to old module name
2005-04-21 15:02 olivier.salaun
* lib/AuthCAS.pm, lib/CAS.pm: enamed module
2005-04-21 14:50 olivier.salaun
* Build.PL, MANIFEST, META.yml, Makefile.PL, sampleCasClient.pl:
enamed project AuthCAS?\024?\024
2005-04-21 14:04 olivier.salaun
* sampleCasClient.pl: restore sample code
2005-04-21 14:04 olivier.salaun
* ., .cvsignore, Build.PL, CAS.pm, ChangeLog, Changes, MANIFEST,
META.yml, Makefile.PL, README, lib, lib/CAS.pm,
sampleCasClient.pl, t, t/00.load.t, t/pod-coverage.t, t/pod.t: A
clean CPAN distribution of CAS.pm
2003-11-28 14:19 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm: Rename sub
2003-11-27 11:12 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm: Change: allow all service Path to be changed at new()
2003-11-26 15:55 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm: Add getServerGatewayURL() for nonblocking login check
2003-11-25 15:41 olivier.salaun
* ChangeLog: Update
2003-11-25 15:40 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm, sampleCasClient.pl: Change: Better error management via
the $errors variable
2003-11-14 16:09 olivier.salaun
* ChangeLog: Add Changelog
2003-11-14 16:08 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm: [proposed by V.Mathieu] Change: verify CAS server
certificate only if capath or cafile were set
2003-11-14 15:33 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm, sampleCasClient.pl: [reported by V.Mathieu] Fix
2003-11-14 15:08 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm, sampleCasClient.pl: [reported by V. Mathieu] Fix: capath
and cafile were inverted in sample code
2003-11-14 15:00 olivier.salaun
* CAS.pm, sampleCasClient.pl: Initial revision
2003-11-14 15:00
* branches, tags, .: New repository initialized by cvs2svn.