Revision history for Perl extension Net::DNS::ZONE::Parser
July 26 2005 Version 0.01
FEAT: make use of "named-checkzone -D" to do all the parsing.
named-checkzone does more checks on the data and is faster.
FEAT: imported in subversion,
FIX: STRIP_NSEC will just like STRIP_RRSIG remove both the NSECs and
the associated sigs.
BUMP_SOA will also strip the RRSIG over the SOA record.
FIX: Net::DNS::SEC 0.12_01 fixed a typo in a method and an
attribute name. It also carps on the occurance of NXTs.
The tests were adapted to deal with this and other
minor bugs were fixed.
The test suite is now incompatible with pre 0.12_02 versions
or Net::DNS::SEC.
FEAT: Added the "o" flag to regular expressions that do not need
July 22, 2004 Version 0.0002 first CPAN release
2003-2004 Version 0.0001_* where internal snapshots used during the
development of the Net::DNS::Zone class.
$Id: CHANGES 473 2005-07-26 07:36:05Z olaf $