Revision history for App-Unix-RPasswd

0.3    	20110316
		- First CPAN release on an unsuspecting world.
0.31   	20110318
		- POD fixes.
		- Migration to Module::Install for easier building.
0.32	20110320
		- Removal of namespace::autoclean dependency for easier building.
		- Removal of DateTime dependency for easier building.
		- Migration to Mouse for easier building and size.
0.33	20110321
		- Fix cornercase base == 0.
		- Fix cornercase servername eq ''.
0.34	20110322
		- Fix esthetics end repport.
		- Moose->Mouse refactoring (no fast cli response workarounds needed).
		- New tests
0.35	20110401
		- Fix parameter sessions bug.
0.40	20120112
		- Comply to Solaris 11 minalpha default
0.41	20121022
		- Bump Module::Install
0.5	20130111
		- Migration to Moo
		- Pretty print
0.51	20130111
		- Typo
0.52	20130530
		- Pass Perl 5.18.0 tests
0.53	20140523
		- Removal of Solaris specific "passwd -r files" syntax