Changes - Changes in FormBuilder 3.0, please also see the README

    For changes between 3.000 and 3.001, skip down to "REVISIONS".

    FormBuilder 3.0 should be completely compatible with FormBuilder 2.x,
    with the singular exception that you can no longer use the shortcut
    autoload style of getting to fields:

        $form->field(name => 'category', options => \@opt);
        $form->category(options => \@opt);      # WRONG

    The second form is now used to manipulate $form attributes.

    The internals have been completely rewritten, nearly from the ground up.
    All of the major functions have been split into methods, and objects
    have been created for the form, fields, messages, CGI params, and so on.
    Several new sub-modules have been created, including:


    Many of these modules can be subclassed and overridden if desired. In
    addition, the template engine has been rewritten to allow "plugging in"
    of additional template modules, simply by specifying the name of the
    module to the 'template' option in new().

    For more details, see the man pages for the individual modules above.

    Several new features have been added which FormBuilder 2.x could not

  Style Sheets
    Stylesheets are now generated if the "stylesheet" option is specified to
    FormBuilder. This can either be 1 to turn it on, or a full path to a
    style sheet to include. When used, all tags are then output with a
    "class" attribute, named "styleclass" plus the name of the tag:

        my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
                        fields => [qw/name email/],
                        styleclass => 'myFB',   # default is "fb_"
                        stylesheet => 1,        # turn on style
        print $form->render;

        # HTML will include
        #   <input class="myFBname" id="name" name="name" type="text" />
        #   <input class="myFBemail" id="email" name="email" type="text" />

  Compliant XHTML
    The output should be fully-compliant XHTML finally. Really. Maybe.

  Attributes and Field Objects
    Individual accessors have been added for every attribute that
    FormBuilder maintains. For example, here's a snippet of code to

        if ($form->stylesheet) {
            # loop thru fields, changing class
            for ($form->fields) {
                next if /_date$/;   # skip fields named "XXX_date"

                # each field is a stringifiable object with accessors
                if ($_->options) {
                    # has options
                } else {
                    # plain text box

    This code checks to see if the "stylesheet" property has been set on the
    main $form. If so, then it loops thru all the fields, skipping those
    named "XXX_date". Of the remaining fields, those that have options have
    their "class" attribute changed to "my_opt_style", and those without
    options have it set to "my_text_style".

    In addition, you can individually render every part of the form
    yourself. by calling the appropriate method. For example:

        print $form->header;      # just the header
        print $form->script;      # opening JavaScript
        print $form->title;       # form title
        print $form->start;       # opening <form> tag
        for ($form->fields) {
            print $_->label;      # each field's human label
            print $_->tag;        # each field's <input> tag
        print $form->end;         # closing </form> tag

    For a complete list of accessors, see the documentation for both
    CGI::FormBuilder and CGI::FormBuilder::Field.

    Some messages have been reworded to make it easier to change just a
    single message, and a couple new messages were added as well:

         js_noscript             <p><font color="red"><b>Please enable JavaScript or
                                 use a newer browser.</b></font></p>

         form_required_text      <p>Fields that are %s highlighted %s are required.</p>
         form_required_opentag   <b>
         form_required_closetag  </b>

         form_invalid_text       <p>%s error(s) were encountered with your submission.
                                 Please correct the fields %s highlighted %s below.</p>
         form_invalid_opentag    <font color="red"><b>
         form_invalid_closetag   </font></b>

         js_invalid_default      - You must enter a valid value for the "%s" field
         form_invalid_default    You must enter a valid value

    For more details, see "CGI::FormBuilder::Messages".

  HTML::Entities encoding
    HTML character encoding is now dispatched to "HTML::Entities", if
    available. This can be downloaded as part of the "HTML::Parser" module
    set on CPAN.

    Documentation has been updated and somewhat reorganized, which was long

        - fixed major problems with keepextras, including a reversed ismember test
        - added debug messages to keepextras and changed a few other debugs
        - added patch from Peter Eichman to fix scalar $field->tag and $field->tag_value
        - converted most all XHTML generation methods to only returning scalars
        - fixed the columns option which was totally broken for radio buttons
        - added a feature to plop in {border => 0} in columns as well
        - added the 2.x 'override' alias for field() 'force' which was missing
        - also added a 'defaults' alias for field() 'value' for happiness
        - more tests since there were way too many bugs
        - a ton of documentation cleanup, these docs used to suck

        - many edge-case 2.x bugs, such as field(value => '')

    Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Nathan Wiger, Sun Microsystems <>.
    All Rights Reserved.

    This module is free software; you may copy this under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License, or the Artistic License, copies of which
    should have accompanied your Perl kit.