<-------------- THE SEVENTY-TWO CHARACTER COLUMN-OMETER --------------->

IP-Country-1.67, 2002.11.13
Combined IP::Registry with IP::Country. From tests, previous IP::Country
has no significant advantage over IP::Registry, and so has been 
relegated to the IP::Country::Slow class. New class has been introduced
named IP::Country::Medium, which caches nameserver lookups, but which
tries to find country from database before performing nameserver lookup.

CHANGES for IP::Registry have been incorporated into this file.

IP-Registry-0211.007, 2002.11.12 - vacation release
BUGFIX: weird IP range problem has been fixed by chopping ranges into
smaller ranges that are exact powers of two. Coverage of random IP 
addresses has now jumped from around 40% to around 43%.

Reduced size of IP range hash by about 28,000 ranges. Lookup now 
proceeds acording to distribution of IP addresses within each range.
The associated performace boost is about 40% :)

IP-Country-1.66, 2002.11.08
Returns undef for private nets (RFC1918).

IP-Country-1.65, 2002.11.08
First attempt at producing a combined interface to the internet address
registries and domain name system. Seems to work.

Yes, I know the version number is a joke.

IP-Registry-0211.006, 2002.11.08
Performance boost. Now looks up about 10,000 IP addresses per second.
This is on 730MHz Pentium III (Coppermine) with 512MB RAM. I think
I'll stop optimizing now. w00t!
Tests switched from Test::More to Test, as people complained about 
downloading modules.

IP-Registry-0211.005, 2002.11.08
If hostname ends in two-letter top-level domain, this is changed to 
upper case and returned, with no further processing (thx, Rob Knobben,
Rivals Digital Media).

IP-Registry-0211.004, 2002.11.08
Tweak to Makefile.PL that should shorten installation time.
Documented the weird IP range problem.

IP-Registry-0211.003, 2002.11.08
Performance boost. On my machine, was looking up one IP address every
17 seconds. Now looks up more than 256 IPs per second! Like the old
programming adage goes - "make it work, then make it fast".

IP-Registry-0211.002, 2002.11.07
Now uses AnyDBM_File, which should be a bit more compatible.
A couple of typos have been fixed in the POD.
README added.

IP-Registry-0211.001, 2002.11.07
First attempt at producing a combined interface to the internet address
registries. Seems to work.

<-------------- THE SEVENTY-TWO CHARACTER COLUMN-OMETER --------------->