0.2.20	2020-12-12
	- Before backup storage fix instead of storage check (for more simplicity).
0.2.19	2020-12-02
	- Fix: periodically db saving cancels part of backuped files.
	- Fix: dirs in path to backuped files doesn't counts in backup counters.
0.2.18	2020-12-01
	- Fix: non-ascii files masks.
	- Save DB every 10 min.
	- Zero compression for files with media extentions, because it's useless.
0.2.17	2020-11-26
	- Reduced memory utilization at start.
	- Undebug.
	- Zero compression level in tests.
0.2.16	2020-11-21
	- Fix backuping crash when dir from config doesn't exists.
0.2.15	2020-11-15
	- Fix bug: infonity attempts ti read when reads more than 0 bytes and then read fails.
	- Minor cosmetic fix for verbose mode.
0.2.14	2020-11-15
	- Fix bug with output compression ratio of zero file.
0.2.13	2020-11-08
	- Remove debug of OOM on openBSD: cause of OOM in Compress::Raw::Lzma & this compression method eats many of RAM.
0.2.12	2020-11-05
	- Removed requirements included to perl core.
	- Debug OOM for openbsd.
0.2.11	2020-11-02
	- Do not restoring mode and ownership of symlinks.
	- Debug OOM for openbsd.
0.2.10	2020-10-31
	- Minor docs fix.
	- Minor fix in stats command.
	- Progress info minor fix.
	- Tests run in verbose mode.
0.2.9	2020-10-26
	- Fix merging blocks of file parts.
0.2.8	2020-10-22
	- Minor POD fix.
0.2.7	2020-10-21
	- Fix case with ignoring some dirs to backup.
	- Minor storage integrity report fix.
	- Minor verbosity output fix.
	- Minor POD improvement.
0.2.6	2020-10-18
	- POD minor change.
0.2.5	2020-10-18
	- Version bump.
0.2.4	2020-10-18
	- Added info about installing required libs to docs.
	- Fix some restoring bugs.
0.2.3	2020-10-16
	- Try to fix issue with failed test on comparing file owner in FreeBSD.
	- Little bit POD improvement.
	- Fix win32 exception in Makefile.PL.
0.2.2	2020-10-15
	- Some kwalitee improvements.
0.2.1	2020-10-15
	- Some kwalitee improvements.
0.2.0	2020-10-15
	- Version bump.
0.1.1	2020-10-15
	- Fix cpan module requirements.
	- POD moved to .pod-file.
0.1   	2020-10-12
	- Fully rewrited app.
	- Data encryption on host with backuped data.
	- Data compression with LZMA algorythm.
	- Data deduplication with subfile graduation (incremental backup).
	- Ssh and local FS backups location.
	- Different files priorities.
	- Compact for RAM and for FS database.