0.110 2022.07.*

    - Made the codebase modular
    - Added testing for version number across the codebase

0.104 2022.07.1

    - Created a MIT license file
    - Updated the installation section in both the README.md and the Grizzly.pm files
    - Updated the Synopsis section in both the README.md and the Grizzly.pm files

0.104 2022.04.13

    - Created an executable grizzly file

0.103 2021.09.22

    - Added error handling for a missing NewsAPI key
    - Added ABSTRACT comments to the applictions libraries
    - Added Term:ANSIColor to the outputted text

0.102 2021.09.07

    - Added CHANGES file
    - Implemented more sections to dist.ini: [MetaJSON], [PodWeaver], [PerlTidy], [Repository], [ReadmeFromPod], [CheckChangeLog]

0.101 2021.09.05

    F- ixed dependency issues 

0.100 2021.09.05

    Added the news command feature

0.002 2021.09.01

    - Added documentation

0.001 2021.08.28

    - Releasing the first version of application