Revision history for Perl extension Mojo-PgX-Cursor
0.03 2015-10-24T05:28:43Z
- Manually created cursors now also default to fetching 100 row iterations.
- Fix warning during cursor destruction.
- Documentation cleanup.
- Internal code cleanup.
0.02 2015-10-24T03:56:38Z
- Results pre-fetch next batch immediately rather than waiting for first
row of current batch to be pulled off.
- Increase default fetch size to 100.
- Remove the 'reload_at' attribute; it was unnecessary complexity.
- Remove the 'monkey_patch' import option. If you wish to monkey patch
Mojo::Pg then see the documentation on how to do so.
0.01 2015-10-23T02:15:50Z
- original version