$Id: Changes 10053 2011-01-25 13:23:22Z nito $
Revision history for SNMP-LogParser
1.10052 25/1/2011
Updated eval condition on non existent logdrivers
1.0767 1/12/2007
Changed name from NetSNMP-LogParser to SNMP-LogParser. Suggestion from brian d foy <brian.d.foy@gmail.com> (Perl Authors Upload Server)
1.0537 18/10/2007
Changed SEEK_CUR in &Fcntl::SEEK_CUR because of "t/logparser............Undefined subroutine &File::Temp::SEEK_SET called at blib/script/logparser line 332."
1.0530 17/10/2007
Removed taint mode in t/logparser.t (Problems with File::Path 2.01 in perl 5.6.2). I rather have it working in more versions than tainted
1.0481 15/10/2007
Changed Build.PL for a dependency on File::Path 1.05 for Taint mode
1.0480 14/10/2007
Changed t/mibProxy.t to not setup PERL5LIB
1.0479 14/10/2007
Changed lib/NetSNMP/MibProxy.pm to not use the our declaration which breaks the test on perl5.005
1.0475 14-10-2007
Delete the only used once $opt_d in line 162 of bin/logparser
Added Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 to the requisites in Build.PL
1.0469 11-10-2007
Changed name from QND-NetSNMP-LogParser to NetSNMP-LogParser
1.0462 5-10-2007
First public version