$Id: Changes 481 2007-10-15 05:26:39Z nito $

Revision history for NetSNMP-LogParser

1.0481  15/10/2007
        Changed Build.PL for a dependency on File::Path 1.05 for Taint mode

1.0480  14/10/2007
        Changed t/mibProxy.t to not setup PERL5LIB

1.0479  14/10/2007
        Changed lib/NetSNMP/MibProxy.pm to not use the our declaration which breaks the test on perl5.005

1.0475    14-10-2007
	Delete the only used once $opt_d in line 162 of bin/logparser
	Added Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 to the requisites in Build.PL

1.0469    11-10-2007
        Changed name from QND-NetSNMP-LogParser to NetSNMP-LogParser

1.0462    5-10-2007
        First public version