2006-01-12 nicolaw
* Changes (1.6): Version 1.08
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* t/02pod_coverage.t (1.2): Fixed so that this test now does what
it says it will; run Test::Pod::Coverage (instead of Test::Pod)
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.8): Added additonal POD
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.8): Sorted the file
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* ChangeLog (1.2): Automatically generated - should not be in CVS
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.7), t/01basic.t (1.3): Added support for
the strip URL to be on venusenvy.comicgenesis.com
2006-01-12 nicolaw
* doit (1.2): Removed time support for ChangeLog
2006-01-07 nicolaw
* ChangeLog (1.1), MANIFEST (1.7): Added ChangeLog
2006-01-07 nicolaw
* Changes (1.5): Added unit tests
2006-01-07 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.6): Added 2006 date to the copyright
notice for new release in 2006 including more POD unit tests
2006-01-07 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.6), META.yml (1.4): Addint unit tests for POD
2006-01-07 nicolaw
* t/: 01pod.t (1.1), 02pod_coverage.t (1.1): Adding
2006-01-01 nicolaw
* Makefile.PL (1.3): Changed to only print the first 500 characters
returned from perlgirl.org.uk
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* Changes (1.4): Version 1.05
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.5): Increased the file size download
limit from 256000 to around half a meg. Some of the comic strip
images seem to actually exceed 256kb.
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* Changes (1.3): Version 1.04
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.4): Typoed SYNOPSYS
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.5): Added examples/getComics.pl
2005-12-31 nicolaw
* examples/getComics.pl (1.1): Added
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.4): Added examples/mirrorVenusEnvy.pl
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* examples/mirrorVenusEnvy.pl (1.1): Adding
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.3): Typo in header comment
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.2): First release
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* t/01basic.t (1.2): Fixed typo in regex test for url
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* doit (1.1): Adding standard build script
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.3): Added unit tests
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* t/: 00compile.t (1.1), 01basic.t (1.1): Adding
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* Makefile.PL (1.2): Added HTTP::Request as a prerequisite
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.2): Changed files from Dilbert example to VenusEnvy
2005-12-30 nicolaw
* Changes (1.1), INSTALL (1.1), LICENSE (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1),
META.yml (1.1), Makefile.PL (1.1), NOTICE (1.1), README (1.1),
TODO (1.1), lib/WWW/VenusEnvy.pm (1.1): Adding