2006-01-12  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.4): Version 1.20

2006-01-12  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.20): Incrementing version for unit
	  test fixes new release

2006-01-12  nicolaw

	* t/01tests.t (1.4): Skip tests which include redirection and
	  backticks etc to skip under win32 because they won't work properly

2006-01-12  nicolaw

	* t/02pod_coverage.t (1.2): Fixed to run the correct
	  Test::Pod::Coverage code

2006-01-12  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.9): Added TODO and ChangeLog

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.19): Added 2006 to copyright noticed
	  for 2006 release including POD unit tests

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.8), Changes (1.3): Added POD unit tests

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* t/: 01pod.t (1.1), 02pod_coverage.t (1.1): Adding

2006-01-01  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.4): Changed to only print the first 500 characters
	  returned from perlgirl.org.uk

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.18): Change license to Apache 2.0

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.2): Changed license to Apache 2.0

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* doit (1.5): Standard build script

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* COPYING (1.2): Deleteing

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.7), NOTICE (1.1): Added NOTICE and LICENSE

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* LICENSE (1.1): Adding

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.16): Changed POD

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.3): Added reporting back to perlgirl.org.uk

2005-12-08  nicolaw

	* t/01tests.t (1.3): Finished basic tests

2005-12-08  nicolaw

	* t/01tests.t (1.1): Added

2005-12-08  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.13): Changed the POD

2005-12-05  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.11): Added more POD for before and
	  after, and support for both before and after to be used at the same

2005-12-05  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.9): Added code to track execution of

2005-12-04  nicolaw

	* TODO (1.2): Updated

2005-12-04  nicolaw

	* README (1.2): Added with read info in int :)

2005-12-04  nicolaw

	* META.yml (1.5), lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.7): Added POd

2005-12-04  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.6): Getting there...

2005-12-04  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.5): New interface

2005-12-03  nicolaw

	* lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.3): Changed from Acme to Util

2005-12-03  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.3), Makefile.PL (1.2): Changed from Acme to Util init

2005-12-03  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.2), META.yml (1.2): Fixed manifest

2005-12-03  nicolaw

	* COPYING (1.1), INSTALL (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1), META.yml (1.1),
	  Makefile.PL (1.1), README (1.1), TODO (1.1), doit (1.1),
	  lib/Util/SelfDestruct.pm (1.1): Adding