2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.31): Added retention_period() to exports and
	  documented in the POD.  Bug fix whereby the add_source() method
	  where $heartbeat was being set to a source name instead of the
	  heartbeat integer value.  Made graph() method check that the CF RRA
	  existed before trying to make a graph with that CF.  Added "cf"
	  parameter to new() method to specify what CFs to use in making new
	  RRD RRA's.  Changed the way that $self is self-instantiated when
	  called as a function instead of a method, if it's passed a
	  'RRD::Simple' string as the first option.

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.15): Version 1.31 19th Jan

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.19): Adding t/13graphs.t

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* t/13graphs.t (1.1): Adding

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* t/05exported_function_interface.t (1.5): Fixed number of tests to
	  run to 12

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.18): Adding t/12retention_periods.t

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* t/12retention_periods.t (1.1): Adding

2006-01-19  nicolaw

	* t/05exported_function_interface.t (1.4): Added test for info and

2006-01-16  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.14): Added retention_period to exports

2006-01-16  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.13): Version 1.31 - pod unit tests fixed

2006-01-16  nicolaw

	* t/11pod_coverage.t (1.2): Fixed so it actually runs
	  Test::Pod::Coverage instead of just Test::Pod

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.30):
	      + Removed notice about add_source() not working with
	        latest versions of RRD from the POD.

	      + Added Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage unit tests

	      + The graph() method now allows arrays to be passed
	        as key value options, thus allowing many --colour
	        values to be set

	      + Added the "source_colors" parameter to the graph()
	        method to specify the plotted data source line colours

	      + Added the "source_labels" parameter to the graph()
	        method to specify data source labels in the legend/key

	      + Changed the add_source() method to try and use
	        the RRDs module for all the needed rrdtool
	        functionality, instead of having to spawn an external
	        copy of the rrdtool binary. A patch submitted to
	        Tobi on 2006/01/08 which should be available in the
	        1.2.13 release of rrdtool will allow RRDs::dump to
	        dump to a filename instead of STDOUT, this removing
	        the need for RRD::Simple to use the rrdtool binary
	        at all.

	      + Tweaked POD a little

	      + Fixed some typos in the code where "3year" and "3years"
	        were being mixed up. They have all been changed to be
	        "3years" now, as per the POD.

	      + Added the retention_period() method to return (in
	        seconds) how long the RRD will store data for.

	      + The graph() method will now only generate graphs which
	        the RRD file has enough data for. (ie, a 1 week long
	        RRD file will not try and generate a 3 year graph etc)

	      + Fixed a bug whereby the create() method and the graph()
	        method were both getting the same values back from the
	        _seconds_in() function, which should not be the case.
	        This was resulting in blocky graphs because there was
	        not enough margin between RRA boundies to ensure that
	        each graph was getting the highest resolution data that
	        you would expect. Also, _seconds_in() was returning
	        slightly too high values, which indirectly caused the
	        X asis labels to overlap eachother in some instances.

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.12): Bug fix in _seconds_in

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.11): Added source_labels

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* examples/linux_disk.pl (1.4): labels => source_labels

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* examples/graph2-daily-example.png (1.1): Adding

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* examples/linux_disk.pl (1.3): Added upper limit on graph scale of

2006-01-15  nicolaw

	* examples/linux_disk.pl (1.2): Added custom graph colours and
	  explicit setting of key/legend source labels

2006-01-14  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.17): Added examples/linux_disk.pl

2006-01-14  nicolaw

	* examples/linux_disk.pl (1.1): Adding

2006-01-14  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.10): Version 1.30 (14th Jan)

2006-01-08  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.16): Added examples/graph2-daily-example.png

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.15): Ordered and added ChangeLog

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* README (1.3): Added a comma , to improve

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* doit (1.10): Check for lib and t too

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* doit (1.9): Added checking for important files

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* doit (1.8): Improved to include changelog and checking of
	  manifest etc

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.9): Added POd unit tests and fixed pod

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.14): Adding POD unit tests

2006-01-07  nicolaw

	* t/: 10pod.t (1.1), 11pod_coverage.t (1.1): Adding

2006-01-06  nicolaw

	* t/03add_source.t (1.3): Enabled the add_source() tests for
	  version 3 RRD files (1.2x) again

2006-01-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.29): Improved the method of how we get the
	  last values from an RRD.  Added ability for add_source() method to
	  work on RRD v3 (1.2x) files.  Added /usr/local/rrdtool*/bin/ to the
	  search path for the rrdtool binary

2006-01-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.28): Changed escaping on date in graph() to
	  only happen with RRDs version 1.2 or greater (escaping should not be
	  used with version 1.0)

2006-01-01  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.8): Changed to only print the first 500 characters
	  returned from perlgirl.org.uk

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* examples/: ApacheAccessLogActivity.pl (1.8), foo.pl (1.3),
	  graph.pl (1.3), graph2.pl (1.4): Removed old GNU GPL license

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.27): Changed license from GNU GPL to Apache

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* COPYING (1.2): Deleted

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* NOTICE (1.1): Added

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.13): Added NOTICE file

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.12): Removed GNU COPYING file and added Apache
	  LICENSE file

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* doit (1.7): Standard build script

2005-12-30  nicolaw

	* LICENSE (1.1): Adding

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.26): Added GPL header comments

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.7): Improved version number extraction to use 2

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* examples/: ApacheAccessLogActivity.pl (1.7), foo.pl (1.2),
	  graph.pl (1.2), graph2.pl (1.3): Added GPL header comment

2005-12-29  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.6): Updated with some comments and using

2005-12-28  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.4): Updated to submit installation information to

2005-12-28  nicolaw

	* Changes (1.2): Added more changes

2005-12-28  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.25): Changed warnings to only be output when
	  perl warnings are enabled (checks $^W)

2005-12-28  nicolaw

	* t/: 04lazy_create_by_update.t (1.4), 07correct_spelling.t (1.5):
	  Disabled perl warnings for methods which will output warnings under
	  specific circumstances, so that people will not be alarmed by
	  "strange" messages popping up during unit tests

2005-12-26  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.24): Fixed typo of minimal_heartbeat as
	  heartbeat in add_source()

2005-12-26  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.23): Changed add_source to not work with v3

2005-12-11  nicolaw

	* examples/graph2.pl (1.1): Adding

2005-12-09  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.9): Fixed fookin stupid =~ instead of = typo
	  in update() for time selection

2005-12-08  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.8): Altered POD

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* README (1.2): Fixed

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.3): Added more tests

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* t/04lazy_create_by_update.t (1.2): Fixed typo

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.5): Fixed automatic creation of RRDs from

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* t/04lazy_create_by_update.t (1.1): Added

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* Makefile.PL (1.2): Added prereqs

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/: Managed.pm (1.2), Store.pm (1.2): No longer needed for

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.4): Abstracted ds addition to a seperate
	  method which can be called from update

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/Simple.pm (1.2): Fixed create/update and filename/1st
	  param passing

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* MANIFEST (1.2): Added tests

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* t/: 01synopsis_example_test.t (1.2), 02lazy_example_test.t (1.2),
	  01synopsis_example_test.t (1.3), 02lazy_example_test.t (1.3):

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* t/02lazy_example_test.t (1.1): Added

2005-12-06  nicolaw

	* t/01synopsis_example_test.t (1.1): Adding

2005-12-05  nicolaw

	* lib/RRD/: Managed.pm (1.1), Simple.pm (1.1), Store.pm (1.1):

2005-12-05  nicolaw

	* COPYING (1.1), INSTALL (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1), META.yml (1.1),
	  Makefile.PL (1.1), README (1.1), TODO (1.1), doit (1.1): Adding