Version 1.29 - 6th January 2006
+ Improved makefile version extraction.
+ Changed license to Apache 2.0
+ Changed escaping on date in graph() to only happen
with RRDs version 1.2 or greater (escaping should not
be used with version 1.0)
+ Changed how the last values are pulled from the RRA
in the last_values() method so it's more reliable
+ Fixed add_source() to work with rrdtool 1.2x and RRD
version 0003 files.
+ Added /usr/local/rrdtool*/bin/ to the search path
when looking for the rrdtool binary.
+ Tweaked Makefile.PL
Version 1.25 - 28th December 2005
+ Added Changes file.
+ Changed cluck warnings to only be output when perl
warnings are enabled ($^W is set true).
+ t/04lazy_create_by_update.t
-- Disabled warnings being output for some unit tests
so as not to alarm people. (The warnings are
intentional when $^W is true, so it is deliberately
set to false for those tests).
+ Modified Makefile.PL to send anonymous information to if the user
agrees. This is so I can track which of my modules
are most heavily used and on what platforms, so I can
concentrate on maintaning the most popular ones in
my limited spare time.
Version 1.24 - 26th December 2005
+ Added explicit specification of a data retention
period (internally to RRD::Simple called a scheme).
+ Added checking of RRD file versions before
attempting to add a new data source to an existing
RRD file. add_source() can only be used on RRD
version 001 files at the moment (rrdtool version
1.0.x). Unit tests have been updated to take this
in to account and skip if necessary.
+ Tidied and improved some of the error messages that
are returned if the addition of a new data source
to an existing RRD file fails.
+ Fixed escaping of the time date stamp that is added
to the graphs so that it is compatible with rrdtool
version 1.2.x.
+ Altered parsing of arguments to the graph() method
so that _ characters are converted to - characters
before passing to the RRDs module. This negated the
need to quote a number or arguments that are passed
in to the graph() method.
+ Added some more comments in the code.
+ Added some more POD.
Version 1.21 - 14th December 2005
+ Added examples/
-- Example script to import apache access log
files in to a simple RRD file for graphing
+ Fixed a bug in the update() method to allow explicit
specification of data insertion time. Previously if no
RRD file was specified, the explicitly specified
insertion time would have incorrectly been used as the
RRD filename.
+ Added an experimental last_values() method to return
the last values stored in the LAST CF RRA. This is not
currently documented because it does not function as
you would logically expect.
+ Added t/09last_value.t
-- This test is essentially skipped because the output
is not as you might expect. It will be enabled once
the last_values() method is working better.
+ Added the 'basename' argument to the graph() method.
+ Added the 'sources' argument to the graph() method.
+ Fixed a few minor typos in warning messages.
+ Added more POD.
+ Improved unit tests.