2006-01-12 13:23 nicolaw
* Changes (1.4): Added version 1.12
2006-01-12 13:22 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.12): Incrementing version number for new
release that includes additional unit tests and unit test fixed
2006-01-12 13:21 nicolaw
* t/14test.t (1.6): Added to specifically test dangerous
permissions as a new controlled test
2006-01-12 13:15 nicolaw
* ChangeLog (1.3): Deleted (automaticallycreated)
2006-01-12 13:15 nicolaw
* ChangeLog (1.2), doit (1.6): New standard doit script
2006-01-12 13:14 nicolaw
* t/14test.t (1.5): Silly typo
2006-01-12 13:13 nicolaw
* t/14test.t (1.4): Added code to force no group or other write
permissions on the test data files so that the module will not barf
on a basic security issue
2006-01-07 22:49 nicolaw
* ChangeLog (1.1), MANIFEST (1.6): Adding ChangeLog
2006-01-07 12:14 nicolaw
* Changes (1.3): Added POD unit tests
2006-01-07 12:13 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.11): Added 2006 date in copyright notice
for new 2006 release including 2 extra POD unit tests
2006-01-07 12:11 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.5): Adding unit tests
2006-01-07 12:11 nicolaw
* t/: 01pod.t (1.1), 02pod_coverage.t (1.1): Adding
2006-01-01 01:23 nicolaw
* Makefile.PL (1.5): Changed to only print the first 500 characters
returned from perlgirl.org.uk
2005-12-30 01:08 nicolaw
* t/13test.t (1.3): Changed to skip tests since there is no 1.3
data yet
2005-12-30 01:04 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.10): Changed license from GNU GPL to
Apache 2.0
2005-12-30 01:02 nicolaw
* Changes (1.2): Changed license to Apache 2.0
2005-12-30 00:40 nicolaw
* COPYING (1.2): Deleteing
2005-12-30 00:34 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.4), NOTICE (1.1): Added NOTICE and LICENSE
2005-12-30 00:10 nicolaw
* LICENSE (1.1): Adding
2005-12-29 18:16 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.9): Added GPL comment in header
2005-12-29 18:16 nicolaw
* Makefile.PL (1.4): Added sending of info to perlgirl.org.uk
2005-12-29 18:16 nicolaw
* MANIFEST (1.3): Added Changes
2005-12-29 18:16 nicolaw
* Changes (1.1): Adding
2005-12-13 12:27 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.6): Changed code to only read in files
and ignore directories
2005-12-08 15:16 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.5): Changed POD
2005-11-28 14:49 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.4): Added condition to catch known
invalid user data files in colloquy when only the "return {" line is
written because of case sensitive cruft in the colloquy code
2005-11-12 22:54 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.3): Typo
2005-11-12 22:52 nicolaw
* lib/Colloquy/Data.pm (1.2): Updated the code to include carping
and to actually do the permissions checking ;-)
2005-11-12 22:20 nicolaw
* Makefile.PL (1.2): Adding Carp as a prereq
2005-11-12 22:09 nicolaw
* doit (1.1): Adding to reinstall/package etc
2005-11-12 22:00 nicolaw
* COPYING (1.1), INSTALL (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1), META.yml (1.1),
Makefile.PL (1.1), README (1.1), TODO (1.1), lib/Colloquy/Data.pm
(1.1): Adding