1.00 - 2021-02-09
- All new features added under ':V1' tag, with new mechanissm to
preserve ':V0' API
- All column declaration sugar functions pass-through the unused
arguments, allowing fewer commas between sugar functions.
- All postgres types support [] array notation
- 'array' helper function for declaring postgres arrays
- New types: money float float4 float8 double real uuid json jsonb
MAX bit varbit tinyblob mediumblob longblob tinytext mediumtext
longtext bytea
- View declarations with 'view'
- Index declarations: create_index, idx, sqlt_add_index,
unique, sqlt_add_constraint
- auto_inc now sets 'monotonic' flag (for sqlite)
- New use options "-inflate_json" and "-inflate_datetime"
0.01 - 2019-05-05
- Initial version, with :V0 tag