Revision history for Perl module Text::Table::Tiny
0.05_02 2020-08-04 NEILB
- The align parameter was still expecting previous idea of an 'lrc' string.
- Can now specify a single alignment which applies to all columns.
- Handle ANSI escape codes, so they don't mess up alignment
0.05_01 2020-08-03 NEILB
- Complete rewrite to add new formatting options.
- See
0.05 2019-01-25 NEILB
- generate_table() was die'ing if no rows were passed, which resulted
in a suboptimal error message. Now croaks; added fatal test for this.
- Added top_and_tail param, to address GH#3.
- deleted unused internal function _get_cols_and_rows(). Devel::Cover++
- Enabled Travis-CI. PR from Petr Kletečka++.
0.04 2015-11-05 NEILB
- Added this Changes file. Addresses RT#97285
- Now use Exporter, and provide an optional export generate_table(),
which works exactly the same as the previous table() function.
The old interface is provided for back compat. Tests for new interface.
- Restructured the doc.
- Cleaned up the dist.ini, which now adds a META.json to releases.
- Added a SEE ALSO section to the doc, which refers the reader to
the See Also section in Text::Table::Manifold RT#107613.
- Specified min perl version as 5.006
- Github repo now listed in the doc and in the dist metadata
0.03 2012-01-24 CHIGGINS
- Unknown changes
0.02 2012-01-24 CHIGGINS
- Unknown changes
0.001 2012-01-23 CHIGGINS
- First release to CPAN