Revision history for Test::A8N

0.01 - Sat Mar 29 14:39:00 PDT 2008
    - First release to CPAN

0.02 - Mon Apr  7 15:37:02 PDT 2008
    - Updated to make CPANTS happier
    - Changed configuration handling to pass a hash around
    - Added unit tests
    - Fixed tag handling when running tests

0.03 - Thu Apr 10 09:58:00 PDT 2008
    - Fixed broken test cases
    - Added testcase filename to the verbose output

0.04 - Wed May 14 13:49:28 PDT 2008
    - Made Makefile.PL work on perl versions prior to 5.8
    - Address issues with YAML::Syck die'ing when it loads an invalid testcase
    - Fix issue with a8n unit test failing when run with a perl other than the default environment's perl