Revision history for AnyEvent-RabbitMQ-Fork
0.6 2020-07-26 14:02:30-04:00 America/New_York
- fix operator typo in _generate_callback
- redundant code cleanup
- simplify logic in _generate_callback
- make ::Channel->delegate private
- safer rpc callbacks with weakened self
- update test suite from AnyEent::RabbitMQ with mods to get it working again
0.5 2014-12-28 17:38:10-05:00 America/New_York
- update test suite to align with AnyEvent::RabbitMQ
- support bind_exchange & unbind_exchange methods
- in Worker: generate stand-in callbacks in a separate method
0.4 2014-06-06 16:43:00-04:00 America/New_York
- improve handling object state attirbutes being reported to parent
0.3 2014-06-05 08:49:21-04:00 America/New_York
- be less dynamic about building sub-class strings; no need to be fancy
- adhere closer to AnyEvent::RabbitMQ::Channel structure
(back fill changelog entries)
0.2 2014-06-01 22:07:12-04:00 America/New_York
- fix Channel objects so that methods are chainable
- properly close RPC object on DESTROY
- support connection->drain_writes
0.1 2014-05-26 21:39:13-04:00 America/New_York
- Initial release