0.919   2017-09-02

  - Write raw binary instead of utf8 (by Andreas Pflug)
  - Fix default charset (by Gerrit Drost)
  - Depend on known-good version of Email::Simple
  - Add --outfile parameter to msgconvert (by Mirco Bauer)

0.918   2014-10-28

  - Correct encoding for text/plain parts to UTF8
  - Properly extract file base name in msgconvert

0.917   2014-10-14

  - Update documentation
  - Require Perl 5.6 in Build.PL
  - Ensure full body is rendered for multipart messages when msgconvert
    delivers to mbox.
  - Fix POD error in msgconvert (patch by Gregor Herrmann)

0.916   2014-09-02

  - Fix dependency list
  - Fix documentation
  - Specify version only in the main module
  - Add link to GitHub from META files (patch by Gabor Szabo)

0.915   2014-09-02

  - Consistently output CRLF line endings
  - Include msgconvert in this distribution

0.914   2013-08-11

  - Add version number to all modules

0.913   2013-08-11

  - Update dependency on Email::MIME and fix tests

0.912   2012-07-27

  - Fix test cases to deal with changed CRLF handling in Email::Simple

0.911   2012-06-12

  - Do not abort on unknown encodings. Warn instead.
  - Replace deprecated dependencies with Email::MIME

0.910   2010-08-10

  - Major refactoring into different packages/classes.
  - Read all fixed-length properties from all property streams.
  - Improved logging of used and unused properties.
  - Use package variables for important data structures for easier
  - As a result, this module now requires perl 5.6.

0.909   2009-10-11

  - Handle (compressed) RTF version of message body.

0.908   2009-09-27

  Bugfix release:
  - Applying patches by Jordan Hrycaj for CPAN bug #49495:
    - Handle undefined OLE dates properly
    - Parse root property stream to extract Date
    - Skip more properties
  - Actually handle References property

0.907   2009-07-06

  - Handle nested OLE files that are not .MSG files

0.906   2009-03-14

  - Make sure to_email_mime always returns a mime object, even if email has
    no body

0.905   2008-11-29

  - Handle unicode data

0.904   2008-02-28

  - Remove spurious loading of Email::Abstract
  - Code, comment and pod cleanups
  - Use Build.PL instead of Makefile.PL for building
  - Correct, locale independent, date formatting

0.903   2007-10-14

  - Dates from OLE and submission_id are GMT, not local time

0.902   2007-10-10

  - Fix pod coverage testing

0.901   2007-09-24

  - First release as module on CPAN
  - Extracted main functionality of msgconvert.pl to